Package 'pspatreg'

Title: Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Semiparametric Regression Models with Spatial Lags
Description: Estimation and inference of spatial and spatio-temporal semiparametric models including spatial or spatio-temporal non-parametric trends, parametric and non-parametric covariates and, possibly, a spatial lag for the dependent variable and temporal correlation in the noise. The spatio-temporal trend can be decomposed in ANOVA way including main and interaction functional terms. Use of SAP algorithm to estimate the spatial or spatio-temporal trend and non-parametric covariates. The methodology of these models can be found in next references Basile, R. et al. (2014), <doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2014.06.011>; Rodriguez-Alvarez, M.X. et al. (2015) <doi:10.1007/s11222-014-9464-2> and, particularly referred to the focus of the package, Minguez, R., Basile, R. and Durban, M. (2020) <doi:10.1007/s10260-019-00492-8>.
Authors: Roman Minguez [aut, cre] , Roberto Basile [aut] , Maria Durban [aut] , Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [aut]
Maintainer: Roman Minguez <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.0.4
Built: 2025-02-21 04:16:01 UTC

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Compute terms of the non-parametric covariates in the semiparametric regression models.


The fit_terms function compute both:

  • Non-parametric spatial (2d) or spatio-temporal (3d) trends including the decomposition in main and interaction trends when the model is ANOVA.

  • Smooth functions f(xi)f(x_i) for non-parametric covariates in semiparametric models. It also includes standard errors and the decomposition of each non-parametric term in fixed and random parts.


fit_terms(object, variables, intercept = FALSE)



object fitted using pspatfit function.


vector including names of non-parametric covariates. To fit the terms of non-parametric spatial (2d) or spatio-temporal (3d) trend this argument must be set equal to 'spttrend'. See examples in this function.


add intercept to fitted term. Default = FALSE.


A list including:

fitted_terms Matrix including terms in columns.
se_fitted_terms Matrix including standard errors of terms in columns.
fitted_terms_fixed Matrix including fixed part of terms in columns.
se_fitted_terms_fixed Matrix including standard errors of fixed part of terms in columns.
fitted_terms_random Matrix including random part of terms in columns.
se_fitted_terms_random Matrix including standard errors of random part of terms in columns.

This object can be used as an argument of plot_terms function to make plots of both non-parametric trends and smooth functions of covariates. See examples below.


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Lee, D. and Durban, M. (2011). P-Spline ANOVA Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing. Statistical Modelling, (11), 49-69. <doi:10.1177/1471082X1001100104>

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (2021). Practical Smoothing. The Joys of P-Splines. Cambridge University Press.

  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2021). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications (2nd Ed.). Springer.

  • Wood, S.N. (2017). Generalized Additive Models. An Introduction with R (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.

See Also

  • pspatfit estimate spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric regression models. The model can be of type ps-sim, ps-sar, ps-slx, ps-sem, ps-sdm or ps-sarar.

  • plot_terms plot smooth functions of non-parametric covariates.


###################### Examples using a panel data of rate of unemployment 
###################### in 103 Italian provinces during the period 1996-2014.
data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg")
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)
#######  No Spatial Trend: PSAR including a spatial 
#######  lag of the dependent variable
form1 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons + 
                  pspl(serv, nknots = 15) +
                  pspl(empgrowth, nknots = 20)  
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = unemp_it, 
                   type = "sar", listw = lwsp_it)

######  Fit non-parametric terms 
######  (spatial trend must be name "spttrend")
list_varnopar <- c("serv", "empgrowth")
terms_nopar <- fit_terms(gamsar, list_varnopar)

######################  Plot non-parametric terms
plot_terms(terms_nopar, unemp_it)

Compute direct, indirect and total impacts functions for continous non-parametric covariates in semiparametric spatial regression models.


Compute and plot direct, indirect and total impact functions for non-parametric covariates included in a semiparametric spatial or spatio-temporal econometric model. This model must include a spatial lag of the dependent variable and/or non-parametric covariates, to have indirect impacts different from 0, otherwise, total and direct function impacts are the same. The models can be of type ps-sar, ps-sarar, ps-sdm, ps-sdem or ps-slx.


  listw = NULL,
  alpha = 0.05,
  viewplot = TRUE,
  smooth = TRUE,
  span = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.2)



pspatfit object fitted using pspatfit function.


should be a spatial neighbours list object created for example by nb2listw from spdep package. It can also be a spatial weighting matrix of order (NxN) instead of a listw neighbours list object.


numerical value for the significance level of the pointwise confidence interval of the impact functions. Default 0.05.


Default 'TRUE' to plot impacts. If FALSE use plot_impactsnopar to plot impacts


Default 'TRUE'. Whether to smooth fitted impacts or not.


span for the kernel of the smoothing (see loess for details). Default c(0.1, 0.1, 0.2)


To compute the impact functions of the non-parametric covariates, first it is used the function fit_terms to get fitted values of the terms and standard errors of the fitted values for each non-parametric covariate. Then, the intervals for the fitted term are computed as

fitted_values plus/minus quantile*standard errors

where quantile is the corresponding quantile of the N(0,1) distribution. The total impact function is computed as:

solve(kronecker((I_N - rho*W_N), It), fitted_values)

where (I_N - rho*W_N) matrix is the spatial lag matrix and It is an identity matrix of order equals to the temporal periods (t). Obviously, t = 1 for pure spatial econometric models. The upper and lower bounds of the total impact functions are computed using the previous formula but using fitted_values plus/minus quantile*standard errors instead of fitted_values.

The direct impacts function is computed using the formula:

diag(solve(kronecker((I_N - rho*W_N), It), diag(fitted_values))

that is, the fitted values are put in the main diagonal of a diagonal matrix and, afterwards, the spatial lag is applied over this diagonal matrix. Finally, the main diagonal of the resulting matrix is considered the direct impact function. The upper and lower bounds of the direct impact functions are computed using the previous formula but using fitted_values plus/minus quantile*standard errors instead of fitted_values.

Eventually, the indirect impacts function are computed as the difference between both total and direct impact functions, that is:

indirect impact function = total impacts function - direct impacts function

In this way we can get both, the indirect impact functions and upper and lower bounds of the indirect impact functions.

It is important to remark that, usually, the indirect impact functions are very wiggly. To get ride of this problem, the argument smooth (default = 'TRUE') allows to smooth the impacts function using the loess function available in stats. This is very convenient when the indirect impacts function is plotted.


A list including

impnopar_tot Matrix including total impacts in columns.
impnopar_dir Matrix including direct impacts in columns.
impnopar_ind Matrix including indirect impacts in columns.
impnopar_tot_up Matrix including upper bounds of total impacts in columns.
impnopar_dir_up Matrix including upper bounds of direct impacts in columns.
impnopar_ind_up Matrix including upper bounds of indirect impacts in columns.
impnopar_tot_low Matrix including lower bounds of total impacts in columns.
impnopar_dir_low Matrix including lower bounds of direct impacts in columns.
impnopar_ind_low Matrix including lower bounds of indirect impacts in columns.


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Basile, R.; Durban, M.; Minguez, R.; Montero, J. M.; and Mur, J. (2014). Modeling regional economic dynamics: Spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearities. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (48), 229-245. <doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2014.06.011>

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (2021). Practical Smoothing. The Joys of P-Splines. Cambridge University Press.

  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2021). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications (2nd Ed.). Springer.

  • LeSage, J. and Pace, K. (2009). Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

  • Minguez, R.; Basile, R. and Durban, M. (2020). An Alternative Semiparametric Model for Spatial Panel Data. Statistical Methods and Applications, (29), 669-708. <doi: 10.1007/s10260-019-00492-8>

  • Montero, J., Minguez, R., and Durban, M. (2012). SAR models with nonparametric spatial trends: A P-Spline approach. Estadistica Espanola, (54:177), 89-111.

See Also

  • pspatfit estimate spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric regression models.

  • impactspar compute and simulate total, direct and indirect impacts for parametric continuous covariates.

  • fit_terms compute terms for smooth functions for non-parametric continuous covariates and for non-parametric trends.

  • plot_impactsnopar plot the non-parametric impacts functions allowing for previous smoothing.


# Examples using spatial data of Ames Houses.
# Getting and preparing the data
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames() # Raw Ames Housing Data
ames_sf <- st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
ames_sf$Longitude <- ames$Longitude
ames_sf$Latitude <- ames$Latitude
ames_sf$lnSale_Price <- log(ames_sf$Sale_Price)
ames_sf$lnLot_Area <- log(ames_sf$Lot_Area)
ames_sf$lnTotal_Bsmt_SF <- log(ames_sf$Total_Bsmt_SF+1)
ames_sf$lnGr_Liv_Area <- log(ames_sf$Gr_Liv_Area)
########### Constructing the spatial weights matrix
ames_sf1 <- ames_sf[(duplicated(ames_sf$Longitude) == FALSE), ]
coord_sf1 <- cbind(ames_sf1$Longitude, ames_sf1$Latitude)
ID <- row.names(as(ames_sf1, "sf"))
col_tri_nb <- tri2nb(coord_sf1)
soi_nb <- graph2nb(soi.graph(col_tri_nb, 
                   row.names = ID)
lw_ames <- nb2listw(soi_nb, style = "W", 
                    zero.policy = FALSE)
form1 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20)    

gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1, 
                   type = "sar", listw = lw_ames,
                   method = "Chebyshev")

nparimpacts <- impactsnopar(gamsar, listw = lw_ames, viewplot = TRUE)
 ######## Examples using a panel data of rate of
 ######## unemployment for 103 Italian provinces in period 1996-2014.
data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg") 
## Wsp_it is a matrix. Create a neighboord list 
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)
######  No Spatial Trend: PSAR including a spatial 
######  lag of the dependent variable
form1 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons + empgrowth +
                 pspl(serv, nknots = 15)
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, 
                    data = unemp_it, 
                    type = "sar", 
                    listw = lwsp_it)
 ###### Non-Parametric Total, Direct and Indirect impacts
 imp_nparvar <- impactsnopar(gamsar, 
                             listw = lwsp_it, 
                             viewplot = TRUE)

Compute direct, indirect and total impacts for continous parametric covariates.


Compute direct, indirect and total impacts for parametric covariates included in a semiparametric spatial or spatio-temporal model. The models can be of type ps-sar, ps-sarar, ps-sdm, ps-sdem or ps-slx.


impactspar(obj, ..., tr = NULL, R = 1000, listw = NULL, tol = 1e-06, Q = NULL)



A 'pspatreg' object created by pspatfit.


Arguments passed through to methods in the coda package


A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using trW, for approximate impact measures; if not given, listw must be given for exact measures (for small to moderate spatial weights matrices); the traces must be for the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, and must be row-standardised


If given, simulations are used to compute distributions for the impact measures, returned as mcmc objects; the objects are used for convenience but are not output by an MCMC process


If tr is not given, a spatial weights object as created by nb2listw; they must be the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, but do not have to be row-standardised


Argument passed to mvrnorm: tolerance (relative to largest variance) for numerical lack of positive-definiteness in the coefficient covariance matrix


default NULL, else an integer number of cumulative power series impacts to calculate if tr is given


This function is similar to the impacts method used in spatialreg. package. The function impactspar obtains the three type of impacts (total, direct and indirect) together with a measure of statistical significance, according to the randomization approach described in LeSage and Pace (2009). Briefly, they suggest to obtain a sequence of nsim random matrices using a multivariate normal distribution N(0; Sigma), being Sigma the estimated covariance matrix of the fitted beta for parametric covariates and spatial parameters of the model. These random matrices, combined with the values of the fitted beta for parametric covariates and the estimated values of the spatial parameters, are used to obtain simulated values. The function impactspar obtains the standard deviations using the nsim simulated impacts in the randomization procedure, which are used to test the significance of the estimated impacts for the original data. Finally, if the spatial model is type = "slx" or "sdem", then there is no need to simulate to make inference of the impacts. The standard errors of the impacts are computed directly using the Sigma matrix of the estimated covariances of beta and spatial parameters.


An object of class impactspar.pspatreg. Can be printed with summary.

If type = "sar", "sdm", "sarar", the object returned is a list with 4 objects including the type of model and three matrices including the simulated total, direct and indirect impacts:

type Type of spatial econometric model.
mimpactstot Matrix including simulated total impacts for each variable in rows.
mimpactsdir Matrix including simulated direct impacts for each variable in rows.
mimpactsind Matrix including simulated indirect impacts for each variable in rows.

If type = "slx", "sdem" the object returned is a list with 5 objects including the type of model and four matrices including the computed total, direct and indirect impacts, the standard errors, the z-values and p-values of each type of impact:

type Type of spatial econometric model.
mimpact Matrix including computed total, direct and indirect impacts for each variable in rows.
semimpact Matrix including standard errors of total, direct and indirect impacts for each variable in rows.
zvalmimpact Matrix including z-values of total, direct and indirect impacts for each variable in rows.
pvalmimpact Matrix including p-values of total, direct and indirect impacts for each variable in rows.


  • LeSage, J. and Pace, K. (2009). Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

See Also

  • pspatfit estimate spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric ps-sar, ps-sem, ps-sarar, ps-slx or ps-durbin regression models.

  • impactsnopar compute total, direct and indirect impact functions for non-parametric continuous covariates.

  • fit_terms compute smooth term functions for non-parametric continuous covariates.

  • impacts similar function in spdep package to compute impacts in spatial parametric econometric models.


#### Examples using a panel data of rate of
##### unemployment for 103 Italian provinces in period 1996-2014.
data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg")
## Wsp_it is a matrix. Create a neighboord list 
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)
## short sample for spatial pure case (2d)
########  No Spatial Trend: PSAR including a spatial 
########  lag of the dependent variable
form1 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons + empgrowth +
                 pspl(serv, nknots = 15) 
### example with type = "sar"                   
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, 
                   data = unemp_it, 
                   type = "sar", 
                   listw = lwsp_it)
###### Parametric Total, Direct and Indirect Effects
imp_parvar <- impactspar(gamsar, listw = lwsp_it)

### example with type = "slx"                   

gamslx <- pspatfit(form1, 
                   data = unemp_it, 
                   type = "slx", 
                   listw = lwsp_it)
###### Parametric Total, Direct and Indirect Effects
imp_parvarslx <- impactspar(gamslx, listw = lwsp_it)

Spatial weight matrix for Italian provinces


A spatial weight matrix row-standardized for Italian NUTS-3 provinces




A row-standardized squared matrix with 107 rows and columns. The rows and columns follow the same order than provinces included in unemp_it data frame.


Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)

map of Italian provinces


An sf object including a map of Italian NUTS-3 provinces




An sf object with 103 rows and 2 columns:


province (NUTS-3) coded as a number.


geometry (polygons) of the sf object.


Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)

Methods for class pspatreg


The anova function provides tables of fitted 'pspatreg' models including information criteria (AIC and BIC), log-likelihood and degrees of freedom of each fitted model. The argument 'lrtest' allows to perform LR tests between nested models. The print function is used to print short tables including the values of beta and spatial coefficients as well as p-values of significance test for each coefficient. This can be used as an alternative to summary.pspatreg when a brief output is needed. The rest of methods works in the usual way.


## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
anova(object, ..., lrtest = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
fitted(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
logLik(object, ..., REML = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
residuals(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
vcov(object, ..., bayesian = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



a 'pspatreg' object created by pspatfit.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


logical value to compute likelihood ratio test for nested models in 'anova' method. Default = 'TRUE'


logical value to get restricted log-likelihood instead of the usual log-likelihood. Default = 'FALSE'


logical value to get bayesian or frequentist covariance matrix for parametric terms. Default = 'FALSE'


similar to object argument for print() and plot functions.


number of digits to show in printed tables. Default: max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L).


anova: An object of class anova. Can be printed with summary. If argument lrtest = TRUE (default), the object returned includes an LR test for nested models. In this case, a warning message is printed to emphasize that the LR test remains valid only for nested models.

coef: A numeric vector including spatial parameters and parameters corresponding to parametric covariates. Also includes fixed parameters for non-parametric covariates. Can be printed with print.

fitted: A numeric vector including fitted values for the dependent variable.

logLik: An object of class logLik. Can be printed with print. If argument REML = FALSE (default), the object returns the value of log-likelihood function in the optimum. If argument REML = TRUE, the object returns the value of restricted log-likelihood function in the optimum.

residuals: A numeric vector including residuals of the model.

vcov: A matrix including the covariance matrix for the estimated parameters. If argument bayesian = TRUE (default), the covariance matrix is computed using bayesian method. If argument bayesian = FALSE , the covariance matrix is computed using sandwich method. See Fahrmeir et al. (2021) for details.

print: No return value


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2021). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications (2nd Ed.). Springer.


# Examples using spatial data of Ames Houses.
# Getting and preparing the data
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames() # Raw Ames Housing Data
ames_sf <- st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
ames_sf$Longitude <- ames$Longitude
ames_sf$Latitude <- ames$Latitude
ames_sf$lnSale_Price <- log(ames_sf$Sale_Price)
ames_sf$lnLot_Area <- log(ames_sf$Lot_Area)
ames_sf$lnTotal_Bsmt_SF <- log(ames_sf$Total_Bsmt_SF+1)
ames_sf$lnGr_Liv_Area <- log(ames_sf$Gr_Liv_Area)
########### Constructing the spatial weights matrix
ames_sf1 <- ames_sf[(duplicated(ames_sf$Longitude) == FALSE), ]
coord_sf1 <- cbind(ames_sf1$Longitude, ames_sf1$Latitude)
ID <- row.names(as(ames_sf1, "sf"))
col_tri_nb <- tri2nb(coord_sf1)
soi_nb <- graph2nb(soi.graph(col_tri_nb, 
                   row.names = ID)
lw_ames <- nb2listw(soi_nb, style = "W", 
                    zero.policy = FALSE)

####  GAM pure with pspatreg
form1 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20)    
gampure <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1)

#####################  GAM + SAR Model
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1, 
                   type = "sar", listw = lw_ames,
                   method = "Chebyshev")

### Compare Models
anova(gampure, gamsar, lrtest = FALSE)
## logLikelihood 
## Restricted logLikelihood
logLik(gamsar, REML = TRUE)
## Parametric and spatial coefficients
## Frequentist (sandwich) covariance matrix 
## (parametric terms)
vcov(gamsar, bayesian = FALSE)      
## Bayesian covariance matrix (parametric terms)
#### Fitted Values and Residuals
     xlab = 'fitted values', 
     ylab = "unrate",
     type = "p", cex.lab = 1.3, 
     cex.main = 1.3,
     main = "Fitted Values gamsar model")      
plot(gamsar$fitted.values, gamsar$residuals, 
     xlab = 'fitted values', ylab = "residuals",
     type = "p", cex.lab = 1.3, cex.main=1.3,
     main = "Residuals geospsar model")

Plot direct, indirect and total impacts functions for continous non-parametric covariates in semiparametric spatial regression models.


Plot direct, indirect and total impacts functions for non-parametric covariates included in a semiparametric spatial or spatio-temporal SAR model. This model must include a spatial lag of the dependent variable (SAR) to have indirect effects different from 0, otherwise, total and direct function effects are the same. The effect functions can be smoothed to overcome the instabilities created by the premultiplication of matrix (IρW)1(I - \rho W)^{-1}


  smooth = TRUE,
  span = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.2),
  dynamic = FALSE,
  nt = NULL



object returned from impactsnopar function.


dataframe with the data.


logical value to choose smoothing of the effects function prior to plot. Default TRUE.


span for the kernel of the smoothing (see loess for details). Default c(0.1, 0.1, 0.2).


Logical value to set a dynamic model. Dynamic models include a temporal lag of the dependent variable in the right-hand side of the equation. Default = 'FALSE'.


Number of temporal periods. It is needed for dynamic models.


plot of the direct, indirect and total impacts function for each non-parametric covariate included in the object returned from impactsnopar.


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Basile, R.; Durban, M.; Minguez, R.; Montero, J. M.; and Mur, J. (2014). Modeling regional economic dynamics: Spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearities. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (48), 229-245. <doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2014.06.011>

See Also

  • impactsnopar compute total, direct and indirect effect functions for non-parametric continuous covariates.

  • fit_terms compute smooth functions for non-parametric continuous covariates.

  • plot_terms plot the terms of non-parametric covariates.


# Examples using spatial data of Ames Houses.
# Getting and preparing the data
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames() # Raw Ames Housing Data
ames_sf <- st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
ames_sf$Longitude <- ames$Longitude
ames_sf$Latitude <- ames$Latitude
ames_sf$lnSale_Price <- log(ames_sf$Sale_Price)
ames_sf$lnLot_Area <- log(ames_sf$Lot_Area)
ames_sf$lnTotal_Bsmt_SF <- log(ames_sf$Total_Bsmt_SF+1)
ames_sf$lnGr_Liv_Area <- log(ames_sf$Gr_Liv_Area)
########### Constructing the spatial weights matrix
ames_sf1 <- ames_sf[(duplicated(ames_sf$Longitude) == FALSE), ]
coord_sf1 <- cbind(ames_sf1$Longitude, ames_sf1$Latitude)
ID <- row.names(as(ames_sf1, "sf"))
col_tri_nb <- tri2nb(coord_sf1)
soi_nb <- graph2nb(soi.graph(col_tri_nb, 
                   row.names = ID)
lw_ames <- nb2listw(soi_nb, style = "W", 
                    zero.policy = FALSE)
form1 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20)    

gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1, 
                   type = "sar", listw = lw_ames,
                   method = "Chebyshev")
nparimpacts <- impactsnopar(gamsar, listw = lw_ames, viewplot = FALSE)
plot_impactsnopar(nparimpacts, data = ames_sf1, smooth = TRUE)
###### Examples using a panel data of rate of
###### unemployment for 103 Italian provinces in period 1996-2014.
## Wsp_it is a matrix. Create a neighboord list 
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)
## short sample for spatial pure case (2d)
########  No Spatial Trend: PSAR including a spatial 
########  lag of the dependent variable
form1 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons + empgrowth +
                  pspl(serv, nknots = 15) 
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = unemp_it, 
                   type = "sar", 
                   listw = lwsp_it)
###### Non-Parametric Total, Direct and Indirect impacts
imp_nparvar <- impactsnopar(gamsar, alpha = 0.05,
                            listw = lwsp_it, 
                            viewplot = TRUE)  
##### This returns the same result but using plot_impactsnopar()
imp_nparvar <- impactsnopar(gamsar, listw = lwsp_it, alpha = 0.05,
                            viewplot = FALSE)
plot_impactsnopar(imp_nparvar, data = unemp_it, 
                   smooth = TRUE)

Plot and mapping spatial trends.


Make plots and maps of the spatial trends in 2d of the objects fitted with pspatfit function.


  coordinates = NULL,
  npoints = 300,
  cexpoints = 0.25,
  addcontour = TRUE,
  addpoints = TRUE,
  addmain = TRUE,
  addint = TRUE



object returned from pspatfit


either sf or dataframe with the data.


coordinates matrix if data is not an sf object.


number of points to use in the interpolation.


size of the points. Default = 0.25


Logical value to add contour lines.


Logical value to add spatial points to the graphics.


Add f1_main and f2_main plots in psanova case.


Add f12_int in psanova case.


plots and maps of the spatial trends


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Lee, D. and Durban, M. (2011). P-Spline ANOVA Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing. Statistical Modelling, (11), 49-69. <doi:10.1177/1471082X1001100104>

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (2021). Practical Smoothing. The Joys of P-Splines. Cambridge University Press.

  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2021). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications (2nd Ed.). Springer.

  • Wood, S.N. (2017). Generalized Additive Models. An Introduction with R (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.


library(pspatreg, package = "pspatreg")
######## getting and preparing the data
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames() # Raw Ames Housing Data
ames_sf <- st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
ames_sf$Longitude <- ames$Longitude
ames_sf$Latitude <- ames$Latitude
ames_sf$lnSale_Price <- log(ames_sf$Sale_Price)
ames_sf$lnLot_Area <- log(ames_sf$Lot_Area)
ames_sf$lnTotal_Bsmt_SF <- log(ames_sf$Total_Bsmt_SF+1)
ames_sf$lnGr_Liv_Area <- log(ames_sf$Gr_Liv_Area)
########### Constructing the spatial weights matrix
ames_sf1 <- ames_sf[(duplicated(ames_sf$Longitude) == FALSE), ]
coord_sf1 <- cbind(ames_sf1$Longitude, ames_sf1$Latitude)
ID <- row.names(as(ames_sf1, "sf"))
col_tri_nb <- tri2nb(coord_sf1)
soi_nb <- graph2nb(soi.graph(col_tri_nb, 
                   row.names = ID)
lw_ames <- nb2listw(soi_nb, style = "W", 
                    zero.policy = FALSE)

######## formula of the model IN AMES
form2d <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20) +
          pspt(Longitude, Latitude, 
               nknots = c(10, 10), 
               psanova = FALSE)

######## fit the model
sp2dsar <- pspatfit(form2d, data = ames_sf1, 
                    listw = lw_ames, 
                    method = "Chebyshev", 
                    type = "sar")

####### plot spatial trend for spatial point coordinate
plot_sp2d(sp2dsar, data = ames_sf1)

 form2d_psanova <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
                   pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
                   pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
                   pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20) +
                   pspt(Longitude, Latitude, 
                        nknots = c(10, 10), 
                        psanova = TRUE)
sp2danovasar <- pspatfit(form2d_psanova, 
                        data = ames_sf1, 
                        listw = lw_ames,
                        method = "Chebyshev", 
                        type = "sar")
plot_sp2d(sp2danovasar, data = ames_sf1, 
          addmain = TRUE, addint = TRUE)

Plot and mapping spatio-temporal trends.


Make plots and maps of the spatio-temporal trends in 3d of the objects fitted with pspatfit function.


plot_sp3d(object, data, time_var, time_index, addmain = TRUE, addint = TRUE)



object returned from pspatfit


sf object.


name of the temporal variable in data.


vector of time points to plot.


Add f1_main and f2_main plots in psanova case.


Add f12_int in psanova case.


plots and maps of the spatial trends


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Lee, D. and Durban, M. (2011). P-Spline ANOVA Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing. Statistical Modelling, (11), 49-69. <doi:10.1177/1471082X1001100104>

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (2021). Practical Smoothing. The Joys of P-Splines. Cambridge University Press.

  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2021). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications (2nd Ed.). Springer.

  • Wood, S.N. (2017). Generalized Additive Models. An Introduction with R (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.


data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg")
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)
unemp_it_sf <- st_as_sf(dplyr::left_join(
                               unemp_it, map_it,  
                        by = c("prov" = "COD_PRO")))
######## FORMULA of the model
form3d_psanova_restr <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +
                        pspl(serv, nknots = 15) + 
                        pspl(empgrowth, nknots = 20) +
                        pspt(long, lat, year, 
                             nknots = c(18, 18, 8),
                             psanova = TRUE, 
                             nest_sp1 = c(1, 2, 3), 
                             nest_sp2 = c(1, 2, 3),
                             nest_time = c(1, 2, 2),
                             f1t = FALSE, f2t = FALSE)

####### FIT the model
sp3danova <- pspatfit(form3d_psanova_restr, 
                      data = unemp_it_sf)

###### Plot spatio-temporal trends for different years
plot_sp3d(sp3danova, data = unemp_it_sf, 
          time_var = "year", 
          time_index = c(1996, 2005, 2019),
          addmain = FALSE, addint = FALSE)
###### Plot of spatio-temporal trend, main effects 
######      and interaction effect for a year
plot_sp3d(sp3danova, data = unemp_it_sf, 
          time_var = "year", 
          time_index = c(2019),
          addmain = TRUE, addint = TRUE)
#### Plot of temporal trend for each province
            data = unemp_it, 
            time_var = "year", 
            reg_var = "prov")

Plot of time trends for spatio-temporal models in 3d.


Make plots of the temporal trends for each region fitted with pspatfit function.


plot_sptime(object, data, time_var, reg_var)



object returned from pspatfit


either sf or dataframe with the data.


name of the temporal variable in data.


name of the regional variable in data.


time series plots of the temporal trend for each region


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Lee, D. and Durban, M. (2011). P-Spline ANOVA Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing. Statistical Modelling, (11), 49-69. <doi:10.1177/1471082X1001100104>

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (2021). Practical Smoothing. The Joys of P-Splines. Cambridge University Press.

  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2013). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications. Springer.

  • Wood, S.N. (2017). Generalized Additive Models. An Introduction with R (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.


data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg")
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)

form3d_psanova <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +
                  pspl(serv, nknots = 15) + 
                  pspl(empgrowth, nknots = 20) +
                  pspt(long, lat, year, 
                       nknots = c(18, 18, 8),
                       psanova = TRUE, 
                       nest_sp1 = c(1, 2, 3), 
                       nest_sp2 = c(1, 2, 3),
                       nest_time = c(1, 2, 2))

####### FIT the model
sp3danova <- pspatfit(form3d_psanova, 
                      data = unemp_it, 
                      listw = lwsp_it, 
                      method = "Chebyshev") 


######## Plot of temporal trend for each province 
            data = unemp_it, 
            time_var = "year", 
            reg_var = "prov")

Plot terms of the non-parametric covariates in the semiparametric regression models.


For each non-parametric covariate the plot of the term includes confidence intervals and the decomposition in fixed and random part when the term is reparameterized as a mixed model.


  type = "global",
  alpha = 0.05,
  listw = NULL,
  dynamic = FALSE,
  nt = NULL,
  decomposition = FALSE



object returned from fit_terms function.


dataframe or sf with the data.


type of term plotted between "global" (Default), "fixed" or "random".


numerical value for the significance level of the pointwise confidence intervals of the nonlinear terms. Default 0.05.


used to compute spatial lags for Durbin specifications. Default = 'NULL'


Logical value to set a dynamic model. Dynamic models include a temporal lag of the dependent variable in the right-hand side of the equation. Default = 'FALSE'.


Number of temporal periods. It is needed for dynamic models.


Plot the decomposition of term in random and fixed effects.


list with the plots of the terms for each non-parametric covariate included in the object returned from fit_terms.


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Wood, S.N. (2017). Generalized Additive Models. An Introduction with R (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.

See Also

  • fit_terms compute smooth functions for non-parametric continuous covariates.

  • impactsnopar plot the effects functions of non-parametric covariates.

  • vis.gam plot the terms fitted by gam function in mgcv package.


# Examples using spatial data of Ames Houses.
# Getting and preparing the data
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames() # Raw Ames Housing Data
ames_sf <- st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
ames_sf$Longitude <- ames$Longitude
ames_sf$Latitude <- ames$Latitude
ames_sf$lnSale_Price <- log(ames_sf$Sale_Price)
ames_sf$lnLot_Area <- log(ames_sf$Lot_Area)
ames_sf$lnTotal_Bsmt_SF <- log(ames_sf$Total_Bsmt_SF+1)
ames_sf$lnGr_Liv_Area <- log(ames_sf$Gr_Liv_Area)
########### Constructing the spatial weights matrix
ames_sf1 <- ames_sf[(duplicated(ames_sf$Longitude) == FALSE), ]
coord_sf1 <- cbind(ames_sf1$Longitude, ames_sf1$Latitude)
ID <- row.names(as(ames_sf1, "sf"))
col_tri_nb <- tri2nb(coord_sf1)
soi_nb <- graph2nb(soi.graph(col_tri_nb, 
                   row.names = ID)
lw_ames <- nb2listw(soi_nb, style = "W", 
                    zero.policy = FALSE)
form1 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20)    

gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1, 
                   type = "sar", listw = lw_ames,
                   method = "Chebyshev")
list_varnopar <- c("lnLot_Area", "lnTotal_Bsmt_SF", 
terms_nopar <- fit_terms(gamsar, list_varnopar)
######################  Plot non-parametric terms
plot_terms(terms_nopar, ames_sf1)
###### Examples using a panel data of rate of
###### unemployment for 103 Italian provinces in period 1996-2014.
data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg")
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)

########  No Spatial Trend: ps-sar including a spatial 
########  lag of the dependent variable
form1 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons + 
                  pspl(serv,nknots = 15) +
                  pspl(empgrowth,nknots = 20) 
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = unemp_it, 
                   type = "sar", listw = Wsp_it)
########  Fit non-parametric terms (spatial trend must be name "spttrend")
list_varnopar <- c("serv", "empgrowth")
terms_nopar <- fit_terms(gamsar, list_varnopar)
#######  Plot non-parametric terms
plot_terms(terms_nopar, unemp_it)

Print method for objects of class summary.impactspar.pspatreg


Print method for objects of class summary.impactspar.pspatreg


## S3 method for class 'summary.impactspar.pspatreg'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



object of class summary.impactspar.pspatreg.


number of digits to show in printed tables. Default: max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L).


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


No return value, called for side effects.


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]

See Also


# See examples for \code{\link{impactspar}} function.

Print method for objects of class summary.pspatreg.


Print method for objects of class summary.pspatreg.


## S3 method for class 'summary.pspatreg'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



object of class summary.pspatreg.


number of digits to show in printed tables. Default: max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L).


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


No return value, called for side effects.


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]

See Also


# See examples for \code{\link{pspatfit}} function.

Productivity growth and internal net migration - Italian provinces


A spatial dataframe including a map of Italian NUTS-3 provinces and cross-sectional dataset on provincial labor productivity growth rates, internal net migration rates, and other economic variables.




An sf object with 107 rows and 9 columns:


province (NUTS-3) coded as a number.


province (NUTS-3) coded as a name.


longitude of the centroid of the province.


latitude of the centroid of the province.


log of labor productivity in 2002 (measured as gross value added per worker).


Average annual growth rate of labor productivity over the period 2002-2018.


Average annual growth rate of employment over the period 2002-2018.


Average annual provincial internal net migration rate (computed as the difference between internal immigration and emigration flows of the working-age population, i.e. people aged 15-65, divided by the total population).


geometry (polygons) of the sf object.


Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)

Estimate spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric regression models from a spatial econometric perspective.


Estimate geoadditive spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric regression models of type ps-sar, ps-sem, ps-sarar, ps-sdm, ps-sdem or ps-slx. These type of specifications are very general and they can include parametric and non-parametric covariates, spatial or spatio-temporal non-parametric trends and spatial lags of the dependent and independent variables and/or the noise of the model. The non-parametric terms (either trends or covariates) are modeled using P-Splines. The non-parametric trend can be decomposed in an ANOVA way including main and interactions effects of 2nd and 3rd order. The estimation method can be restricted maximum likelihood (REML) or maximum likelihood (ML).


  listw = NULL,
  type = "sim",
  method = "eigen",
  Durbin = NULL,
  zero.policy = NULL,
  interval = NULL,
  trs = NULL,
  cor = "none",
  dynamic = FALSE,
  demean = FALSE,
  eff_demean = "individual",
  index = NULL,
  control = list()



A formula similar to GAM specification including parametric and non-parametric terms. Parametric covariates are included in the usual way and non-parametric P-spline smooth terms are specified using pspl(.) and pspt(.) for the non-parametric covariates and spatial or spatio-temporal trend, respectively. More details in Details and Examples.


A data frame containing the parametric and non-parametric covariates included in the model. Also, if a pspt(.) term is included in formula, the data frame must include the spatial and temporal coordinates specified in pspt(.). In this case coordinates must be ordered choosing time as fast index and spatial coordinates as low indexes. See head(unemp_it) as an example.


A function (default options("na.action")), can also be 'na.omit' or 'na.exclude' with consequences for residuals and fitted values. It may be necessary to set 'zero.policy' to 'TRUE' because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations.


Default = 'NULL' This will create a model with no spatial dependency. To include spatial dependency, listw should be a spatial neighbours list object created for example by nb2listw from spdep package; if nb2listw not given, set to the same spatial weights as the listw argument. It can also be a spatial weighting matrix of order (NxN) instead of a listw neighbours list object.


Type of spatial model specification following the usual spatial econometric terminology. Default = "sim" this creates a model with no type of spatial dependency. Types of spatial models available (similar to spsur package): "sar", "sem", "sdm", "sdem", "sarar", or "slx". When creating a "slx", "sdem" or "sdm" model, it is necessary to include the formula of the Durbin part in the Durbin argument in the same way than spsur or spatialreg packages. There are examples on how to create these models in Examples section.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. "eigen" (default) - the Jacobian is computed as the product of (1 - rho*eigenvalue) using eigenw from package spatialreg. For big samples (> 500) method = "eigen" is not recommended. Use "spam" or "Matrix_J" for strictly symmetric weights lists of styles "B" and "C", or made symmetric by similarity (Ord, 1975, Appendix C) if possible for styles "W" and "S", using code from the spam or Matrix packages to calculate the determinant; "Matrix" and "spam_update" provide updating Cholesky decomposition methods; "LU" provides an alternative sparse matrix decomposition approach. In addition, there are "Chebyshev" and Monte Carlo "MC" approximate log-determinant methods; the Smirnov/Anselin (2009) trace approximation is available as "moments". Three methods: "SE_classic", "SE_whichMin", and "SE_interp" are provided experimentally, the first to attempt to emulate the behaviour of Spatial Econometrics toolbox ML fitting functions. All use grids of log determinant values, and the latter two attempt to ameliorate some features of "SE_classic".


Default = 'NULL'. If model is of type = "sdm", "sdem" or "slx" then this argument should be a formula of the subset of explanatory variables to be spatially lagged in the right hand side part of the model. See spsurml for a similar argument.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. If 'TRUE' assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if 'FALSE' assign 'NA' - causing pspatfit() to terminate with an error. Default = 'NULL'.


Search interval for autoregressive parameter. Default = 'NULL'.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. Default 'NULL', if given, a vector of powered spatial weights matrix traces output by trW.


Type of temporal correlation for temporal data. Possible values are "none" (default) or "ar1".


Logical value to set a dynamic model. Dynamic models include a temporal lag of the dependent variable in the right-hand side of the equation. Default = 'FALSE'.


Logical value to include a demeaning for panel data. Default = 'FALSE'. The demeaning is done previously to the estimation for both parametric and nonparametric terms. It is not possible to set demean = TRUE when spatio-temporal trends are included.


Type of demeaning for panel data. Possible values are "individual" (default), "time" or "twoways".


Vector of variables indexing panel data. First variable corresponds to individuals and second variable corresponds to temporal coordinate (fast index). It follows the same rules than plm function in package plm.


List of extra control arguments. See Control Arguments section below.


Function to estimate the model:

y=(ρWNIT)y+f(s1,s2,τt)+Xβ+(WNIT)Xθ+i=1kg(zi)+i=1kg((γiWNIT)zi)+ϵy = (\rho*W_{N} \otimes I_T) y + f(s_1,s_2,\tau_{t}) + X \beta + (W_{N} \otimes I_T) X \theta + \sum_{i = 1}^k g(z_i) + \sum_{i = 1}^k g((\gamma_i*W_{N} \otimes I_T) z_i) + \epsilon


  • f(s1,s2,τt)f(s_1,s_2,\tau_t) is a smooth spatio-temporal trend of the spatial coordinates s1,s2s1,s_2 and of the temporal coordinates τt\tau_t.

  • XX is a matrix including values of parametric covariates.

  • g(zi)g(z_i) are non-parametric smooth functions of the covariates ziz_i.

  • WNW_N is the spatial weights matrix.

  • ρ\rho is the spatial spillover parameter.

  • ITI_T is an identity matrix of order TT (T=1 for pure spatial data).

  • ϵ N(0,R)\epsilon ~ N(0,R) where R=σ2ITR = \sigma^2 I_T if errors are uncorrelated or it follows an AR(1) temporal autoregressive structure for serially correlated errors.

Including non-parametric terms

The non-parametric terms are included in formula using pspt(.) for spatial or spatio-temporal trends and pspl(.) for other non-parametric smooth additive terms. For example, if a model includes:

  • An spatio-temporal trend with variables long and lat as spatial coordinates,and year as temporal coordinate.

  • Two non-parametric covariates named empgrowth and serv.

  • Three parametric covariates named partrate, agri and cons.

Then, the formula should be written as (choosing default values for each term):

unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons + pspl(serv) + pspl(empgrowth) + pspt(long,lat,year)

For a spatial trend case, the term pspt(.) does not include a temporal coordinate, that is, in the previous example would be specified as pspt(long,lat).

How to use pspl() and pspt()

Note that both in pspl(.) and pspt(.), we have to include the number of knots, named nknots, which is the dimension of the basis used to represent the smooth term. The value of nknots should not be less than the dimension of the null space of the penalty for the term, see and choose.k from mgcv package to know how to choose nknots.

In pspl(.) the default is nknots = 10, see the help of pspl function. In this term we can only include single variables, so if we want more than one non-parametric variable we will use a pspl(.) term for each nonparametric variable.

On the other hand, pspt(.) is used for spatial smoothing (when temporal coordinate is 'NULL') or spatio-temporal smoothing (when a variable is provided for the temporal coordinate). The default for the temporal coordinate is time = NULL, see the help of pspt, and the default number of knots are nknots = c(10, 10, 5). If only include spatial smoothing, nknots will be a length 2 vector indicating the basis for each spatial coordinate. For spatio-temporal smoothing, it will be a length 3 vector.

ANOVA descomposition

In many situations the spatio-temporal trend, given by f(s1,s2,τt)f(s_1,s_2,\tau_t), can be very complex and the use of a multidimensional smooth function may not be flexible enough to capture the structure in the data. Furthermore, the estimation of this trend can become computationally intensive especially for large databases.
To solve this problem, Lee and Durban (2011) proposed an ANOVA-type decomposition of this spatio-temporal trend where spatial and temporal main effects, and second- and third-order interaction effects can be identified as:

f(s1,s2,τt)=f1(s1)+f2(s2)+ft(τt)+f1,2(s1,s2)+f1,t(s1,τt)+f2,t(s2,τt)+f1,2,t(s1,s2,τt)f(s_1, s_2, \tau_t) = f_1(s_1) + f_2(s_2) + f_t(\tau_t) + f_{1,2}(s_1, s_2) + f_{1,t}(s_1, \tau_t) + f_{2,t}(s_2, \tau_t) + f_{1,2,t}(s_1, s_2, \tau_t)

In this equation the decomposition of the spatio-temporal trend is as follows:

  • Main effects given by the functions f1(s1),f2(s2)f_1(s_1), f_2(s_2) and ft(τt)f_t(\tau_t).

  • Second-order interaction effects given by the functions f1,2(s1,s2),f1,t(s1,τt)f_{1,2}(s_1,s_2), f_{1,t}(s_1,\tau_t) and f2,t(s2,τt)f_{2,t}(s_2,\tau_t).

  • Third-order interaction effect given by the function f1,2,t(s1,s2,τt)f_{1,2,t}(s_1,s_2,\tau_t).

In this case, each effect can have its own degree of smoothing allowing a greater flexibility for the spatio-temporal trend. The ANOVA decomposition of the trend can be set as an argument in pspt(.) terms choosing psanova = TRUE.

For example to choose an ANOVA decomposition in the previous case we can set:

pspt(long, lat, year, nknots = c(18,18,8), psanova = TRUE)

In most empirical cases main effects functions are more flexible than interaction effects functions and therefore, the number of knots in B-Spline bases for interaction effects do not need to be as big as the number of knots for main effects. Lee et al., (2013) proposed a nested basis procedure in which the number of knots for the interaction effects functions are reduced using divisors such that the space spanned by B-spline bases used for interaction effects are a subset of the space spanned by B-spline bases used for main effects. The divisors can be specified as an argument in pspt(.) terms.
To do this, there are three arguments available inside pspt() to define the divisors. These arguments are named nest_sp1, nest_sp2 and nest_time, respectively. The value for these arguments are vector parameters including divisors of the nknots values.

For example, if we set nest_sp1 = c(1,2,2) between the arguments of pspl(.), we will have all knots for main effect of s_1, 18/2=9 knots for each second-order effect including s_1, and 8/2=4 knots for the third order effect including s_1. It is important that the vector of numbers will be integer divisors of the values in nknots. See section Examples for more details.

Eventually, any effect function can be excluded of the ps-anova spatio-temporal trend. To exclude main effects, the arguments f1_main, f2_main or ft_main have to be set to 'FALSE' (default='TRUE'). We can also exclude the second- and third-order effects functions setting to 'FALSE' the arguments f12_int, f1t_int, f2t_int or f12t_int in pspl(.).

All the terms included in the model are jointly fitted using Separation of Anisotropic Penalties (SAP) algorithm (see Rodriguez-Alvarez et al., (2015)) which allows to the mixed model reparameterization of the model. For type of models "sar", "sem", "sdm", "sdem", "sarar" or cor = "ar1", the parameters ρ\rho, λ\lambda and ϕ\phi are numerically estimated using bobyqa function implemented in package minqa. In these cases, an iterative process between SAP and numerical optimization of ρ\rho, λ\lambda and ϕ\phi is applied until convergence. See details in Minguez et al., (2018).

Plotting non-parametric terms

To plot the non-linear functions corresponding to non-parametric terms we need to compute the fitted values, and standard erros, using fit_terms() function and, afterwards, use plot_terms() function to plot the non-linear functions.
An example of how plot the functions of non-parametric terms given by "var1" and "var2" variables is given by the next lines of code (it is assumed that a previous model has been fitted using pspatfit(.) and saved as an object named model):

list_varnopar <- c("var1", "var2")
terms_nopar <- fit_terms(model, list_varnopar)
plot_terms(terms_nopar, data)

The data argument of plot_terms() usually corresponds to the dataframe used to fitted the model although a different database can be used to plot the non-parametric terms.

Spatial impacts

For the spatial models given by type = "sar", "sdm", "sdem", "sarar" or "slx" it is possible to compute spatial spillovers as usual in spatial econometric specifications. Nevertheless, in this case we need to distinguish between parametric and non-parametric covariates when computing spatial impacts.

  • spatial impacts for parametric covariates
    In this case, the spatial impacts are computed in the usual way using simulation. See LeSage and Page (2009) for computational details. The function impactspar() computes the direct, indirect and total impacts for parametric covariates and return and object similar to the case of spatialreg and spsur packages. The inference for "sar", "sdm", and "sarar" types is based on simulations and for "slx" and "sdem" types the standard errors or total impacts are computed using the variance-covariance matrix of the fitted model. The summary() method can be used to present the the complete table of spatial impacts in this parametric case. See the help of impactspar to know the additional arguments of the function. A little example is given in the next lines of code:

    imp_parvar <- impactspar(MODEL, listw = W)

  • spatial impacts for non-parametric covariates
    In this case direct, indirect and total spatial impacts functions are obtained using impactsnopar. The details of computation and inference can be obtained from the help of impactsnopar. The argument viewplot of impactsnopar have to be set as 'TRUE' to plot the spatial impacts functions. Another way to get the same plots is using plot_impactsnopar function with the output of impactsnopar. Next lines give an example of both cases:

    imp_nparvar <- impactsnopar(MODEL, listw = W, viewplot = TRUE)
    imp_nparvar <- impactsnopar(MODEL, listw = W, viewplot = FALSE)
    plot_impactsnopar(imp_nparvar, data = DATA)


A list object of class pspatreg

call Matched call.
terms The terms object used.
contrasts (only where relevant) the contrasts used for parametric covariates.
xlevels (only where relevant) a record of the levels of the parametric factors used in fitting.
data dataframe used as database.
nsp number of spatial observations.
nt number of temporal observations. It is set to nt=1 for spatial data.
nfull total number of observations.
edftot Equivalent degrees of freedom for the whole model.
edfspt Equivalent degrees of freedom for smooth spatio-temporal or spatial trend.
edfnopar Equivalent degrees of freedom for non-parametric covariates.
psanova TRUE if spatio-temporal or spatial trend is PS-ANOVA.
type Value of type argument in the call to pspatfit.
listw Value of listw argument in the call to pspatfit.
Durbin Value of Durbin argument in the call to pspatfit.
cor Value of cor argument in the call to pspatfit.
dynamic Value of dynamic argument in the call to pspatfit.
demean Value of demean argument in the call to pspatfit.
eff_demean Value of eff_demean argument in the call to pspatfit.
index Value of index argument in the call to pspatfit.
bfixed Estimated betas corresponding to fixed effects in mixed model.
se_bfixed Standard errors of fixed betas.
brandom Estimated betas corresponding to random effects in mixed model.
se_brandom Standard errors of random betas.
vcov_fr Covariance matrix of fixed and random effects using frequentist or sandwich method.
vcov_by Covariance matrix of fixed and random effects using bayesian method.
rho Estimated rho for spatial lag of the dependent variable.
se_rho Standard error of rhorho.
delta Estimated delta for spatial error models.
se_delta Standard error of deltadelta.
phi Estimated phi. If cor="none" always phi=0phi=0.
se_phi Standard error of phiphi.
fitted.values Vector of fitted values of the dependent variable.
se_fitted.values Vector of standard errors of fitted.values.
fitted.values_Ay Vector of fitted values of the spatial lag of dependent variable: (ρWNIT)y(\rho*W_N \otimes I_T) y.
se_fitted.values_Ay Vector of standard errors of fitted.values_Ay.
residuals Vector of residuals.
df.residual Equivalent degrees of freedom for residuals.
sig2 Residual variance computed as SSR/df.residual.
llik Log-likelihood value.
llik_reml Restricted log-likelihood value.
aic Akaike information criterion.
bic Bayesian information criterion.
sp1 First spatial coordinate.
sp2 Second spatial coordinate.
time Time coordinate.
y Dependent variable.
X Model matrix for fixed effects.
Z Model matrix for random effects.

Control Arguments

optim method of estimation: "llik_reml" (default) or "llik".
typese method to compute standard errors. "sandwich" or "bayesian" (default). See Fahrmeir et al, pp. 375 for details of computations.
vary_init Initial value of the noise variance in the model. Default = `NULL`.
trace A logical value set to TRUE to show intermediate results during the estimation process. Default = FALSE.
tol1 Numerical value for the tolerance of convergence of penalization parameters during the estimation process. Default 1e-3. This tolerance is only used for small samples (<= 500 observations).
tol2 Numerical value for the tolerance of convergence of total estimated degrees of freedom ("edftot") during the estimation process. Default 1e-1. This tolerance is used for medium or big samples (> 500 observations).
tol3 Numerical value for the tolerance of convergence of spatial and correlation parameters during the estimation process. Default 1e-2.
maxit An integer value for the maximum number of iterations until convergence. Default = 200.
rho_init An initial value for rhorho parameter. Default 0.
delta_init An initial value for deltadelta parameter. Default 0.
phi_init An initial value for phiphi parameter. Default 0.
Imult default 2; used for preparing the Cholesky decompositions for updating in the Jacobian function
super if `NULL` (default), set to `FALSE` to use a simplicial decomposition for the sparse Cholesky decomposition and method "Matrix_J", set to `as.logical(NA)` for method "Matrix", if `TRUE`, use a supernodal decomposition
cheb_q default 5; highest power of the approximating polynomial for the Chebyshev approximation
MC_p default 16; number of random variates
MC_m default 30; number of products of random variates matrix and spatial weights matrix
spamPivot default "MMD", alternative "RCM"
in_coef default 0.1, coefficient value for initial Cholesky decomposition in "spam_update"
type default "MC", used with method "moments"; alternatives "mult" and "moments", for use if trs is missing
correct default `TRUE`, used with method "moments" to compute the Smirnov/Anselin correction term
trunc default `TRUE`, used with method "moments" to truncate the Smirnov/Anselin correction term
SE_method default "LU", may be "MC"
nrho default 200, as in SE toolbox; the size of the first stage lndet grid; it may be reduced to for example 40
interpn default 2000, as in SE toolbox; the size of the second stage lndet grid
SElndet default `NULL`, may be used to pass a pre-computed SE toolbox style matrix of coefficients and their lndet values to the "SE_classic" and "SE_whichMin" methods
LU_order default `FALSE`; used in "LU_prepermutate", note warnings given for lu method
pre_eig default `NULL`; may be used to pass a pre-computed vector of eigenvalues


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Basile, R.; Durban, M.; Minguez, R.; Montero, J. M.; and Mur, J. (2014). Modeling regional economic dynamics: Spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearities. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (48), 229-245. <doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2014.06.011>

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (1996). Flexible Smoothing with B-Splines and Penalties. Statistical Science, (11), 89-121.

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (2021). Practical Smoothing. The Joys of P-Splines. Cambridge University Press.

  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2021). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications (2nd Ed.). Springer.

  • Lee, D. and Durban, M. (2011). P-Spline ANOVA Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing. Statistical Modelling, (11), 49-69. <doi:10.1177/1471082X1001100104>

  • Lee, D. J., Durban, M., and Eilers, P. (2013). Efficient two-dimensional smoothing with P-spline ANOVA mixed models and nested bases. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, (61), 22-37. <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.11.013>

  • LeSage, J. and Pace, K. (2009). Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

  • Minguez, R.; Basile, R. and Durban, M. (2020). An Alternative Semiparametric Model for Spatial Panel Data. Statistical Methods and Applications, (29), 669-708. <doi:10.1007/s10260-019-00492-8>

  • Montero, J., Minguez, R., and Durban, M. (2012). SAR models with nonparametric spatial trends: A P-Spline approach. Estadistica Espanola, (54:177), 89-111.

  • Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. X.; Kneib, T.; Durban, M.; Lee, D.J. and Eilers, P. (2015). Fast smoothing parameter separation in multidimensional generalized P-splines: the SAP algorithm. Statistics and Computing 25 (5), 941-957. <doi:10.1007/s11222-014-9464-2>

  • Wood, S.N. (2017). Generalized Additive Models. An Introduction with R (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.

See Also

  • impactspar compute total, direct and indirect effect functions for parametric continuous covariates.

  • impactsnopar compute total, direct and indirect effect functions for non-parametric continuous covariates.

  • fit_terms compute smooth functions for non-parametric continuous covariates.

  • gam well-known alternative of estimation of semiparametric models in mgcv package.



# Examples using spatial data of Ames Houses.
# Getting and preparing the data
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames() # Raw Ames Housing Data
ames_sf <- st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
ames_sf$Longitude <- ames$Longitude
ames_sf$Latitude <- ames$Latitude
ames_sf$lnSale_Price <- log(ames_sf$Sale_Price)
ames_sf$lnLot_Area <- log(ames_sf$Lot_Area)
ames_sf$lnTotal_Bsmt_SF <- log(ames_sf$Total_Bsmt_SF+1)
ames_sf$lnGr_Liv_Area <- log(ames_sf$Gr_Liv_Area)
########### Constructing the spatial weights matrix
ames_sf1 <- ames_sf[(duplicated(ames_sf$Longitude) == FALSE), ]
coord_sf1 <- cbind(ames_sf1$Longitude, ames_sf1$Latitude)
ID <- row.names(as(ames_sf1, "sf"))
col_tri_nb <- tri2nb(coord_sf1)
soi_nb <- graph2nb(soi.graph(col_tri_nb, 
                   row.names = ID)
lw_ames <- nb2listw(soi_nb, style = "W", 
                    zero.policy = FALSE)

####  GAM pure with pspatreg
form1 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20)    
gampure <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1)

######################  Get Non-parametric terms of GAM with pspatreg
list_varnopar <- c("lnLot_Area", "lnTotal_Bsmt_SF", 
terms_nopar <- fit_terms(gampure, list_varnopar, intercept = TRUE)
######################  Plot non-parametric terms
plot_terms(terms_nopar, ames_sf1)

#####################  GAM + SAR Model
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1, 
                   type = "sar", listw = lw_ames,
                   method = "Chebyshev")
######### Non-Parametric Total, Direct and Indirect impacts
### with impactsnopar(viewplot = TRUE)
nparimpacts <- impactsnopar(gamsar, 
                            listw = lw_ames, 
                            viewplot = TRUE)
############ Non-Parametric Total, Direct and Indirect impacts
### with impactsnopar(viewplot = FALSE) and using plot_impactsnopar()
nparimpacts <- impactsnopar(gamsar, listw = lw_ames, viewplot = FALSE)
plot_impactsnopar(nparimpacts, data = ames_sf1, smooth = TRUE)

###################### Parametric Total, Direct and Indirect impacts
parimpacts <- impactspar(gamsar, listw = lw_ames)

### Models with 2d spatial trend
form2 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20) +
          pspt(Longitude, Latitude, 
               nknots = c(10, 10), 
               psanova = FALSE)
#####################  GAM + GEO Model
gamgeo2d <- pspatfit(form2, data = ames_sf1)

gamgeo2dsar <- pspatfit(form2, data = ames_sf1,
                        type = "sar", 
                        listw = lw_ames, 
                        method = "Chebyshev")
####### plot spatial trend for spatial point coordinate
plot_sp2d(gamgeo2dsar, data = ames_sf1)
### Models with psanova 2d spatial trend
form3 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20) +
          pspt(Longitude, Latitude, 
               nknots = c(10, 10), 
               psanova = TRUE)
gamgeo2danovasar <- pspatfit(form3, data = ames_sf1,
                        type = "sar", 
                        listw = lw_ames, method = "Chebyshev")
####### plot spatial trend for spatial point coordinate
plot_sp2d(gamgeo2danovasar, data = ames_sf1, 
addmain = TRUE, addint = TRUE)

## Comparison between models
anova(gampure, gamsar, gamgeo2d, gamgeo2dsar,
gamgeo2danovasar, lrtest = FALSE)

###################### Examples using a panel data of rate of
###################### unemployment for 103 Italian provinces in 1996-2019.
## load spatial panel and Wsp_it
## 103 Italian provinces. Period 1996-2019
data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg")
## Wsp_it is a matrix. Create a neighboord list 
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)
 ### Models with spatio-temporal trend
 ### Spatio-temporal semiparametric ANOVA model without spatial lag
 ### Interaction terms f12,f1t,f2t and f12t with nested basis
 ### Remark: nest_sp1, nest_sp2 and nest_time must be divisors of nknots
 form4 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +
                   pspl(serv, nknots = 15) + 
                   pspl(empgrowth, nknots = 20) +
                   pspt(long, lat, year, 
                        nknots = c(18, 18, 12),
                        psanova = TRUE, 
                        nest_sp1 = c(1, 2, 3), 
                        nest_sp2 = c(1, 2, 3),
                        nest_time = c(1, 2, 2))
 sptanova <- pspatfit(form4, data = unemp_it)
### Create sf object to make the plot 
### of spatio-temporal trends
unemp_it_sf <- st_as_sf(dplyr::left_join(
                        by = c("prov" = "COD_PRO")))
###### Plot spatio-temporal trends for different years
plot_sp3d(sptanova, data = unemp_it_sf, 
          time_var = "year", 
          time_index = c(1996, 2005, 2019),
          addmain = FALSE, addint = FALSE)
###### Plot of spatio-temporal trend, main effects 
######      and interaction effect for a year
plot_sp3d(sptanova, data = unemp_it_sf, 
          time_var = "year", 
          time_index = c(2019),
          addmain = TRUE, addint = TRUE)
###### Plot of temporal trends for each province
            data = unemp_it, 
            time_var = "year", 
            reg_var = "prov")

 ### Spatio-temporal semiparametric ANOVA model without spatial lag
 ### Now we repeat previous spatio-temporal model but 
 ### restricting some interactions
 ### Interaction terms f12,f1t and f12t with nested basis
 ### Interaction term f2t restricted to 0
  form5 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons + empgrowth +
                  pspl(serv, nknots = 15) + 
                  pspt(long, lat, year, 
                       nknots = c(18, 18, 6), 
                       psanova = TRUE,
                       nest_sp1 = c(1, 2, 3), 
                       nest_sp2 = c(1, 2, 3),
                       nest_time = c(1, 2, 2), 
                       f2t_int = FALSE)
 ## Add sar specification and ar1 temporal correlation 
 sptanova2_sar_ar1 <- pspatfit(form5, data = unemp_it, 
                              listw = lwsp_it, 
                              type = "sar",
                              cor = "ar1")
################ Comparison with parametric panels            
######################  Demeaning (Within Estimators)
formpar <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons
# Not demeaning model
param <- pspatfit(formpar, data = unemp_it, listw = lwsp_it)
# Demeaning model
param_dem <- pspatfit(formpar, data = unemp_it,
                      demean = TRUE,
                      index = c("prov", "year"),
                      eff_demean = "individual" )
# Compare results with plm package
param_plm <- plm::plm(formula = formpar,
                      data = unemp_it,
                      index = c("prov", "year"),
                      effect = "individual",
                      model = "within")
param_dem_time <- pspatfit(formpar, 
                      data = unemp_it, 
                      listw = lwsp_it,
                      demean = TRUE,
                      eff_demean = "time",
                      index = c("prov", "year"))
param_plm_time <- plm::plm(formula = formpar,
                      data = unemp_it,
                      index = c("prov", "year"),
                      effect = "time",
                      model = "within")
param_dem_twoways <- pspatfit(formpar, data = unemp_it,
                      demean = TRUE,
                      eff_demean = "twoways",
                      index = c("prov", "year") )
param_plm_twoways <- plm::plm(formula = formpar,
                      data = unemp_it,
                      index = c("prov", "year"),
                      effect = "twoways",
                      model = "within")
##### Demeaning with nonparametric covariates
formgam <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +  
                    pspl(serv, nknots = 15) +
                    pspl(empgrowth, nknots = 20)
gam_dem <- pspatfit(formula = formgam,
                      data = unemp_it,
                      demean = TRUE,
                      index = c("prov", "year"))
# Compare with GAM pure without demeaning                    
gam <- pspatfit(formula = formgam,
                 data = unemp_it)

## Demeaning with type = "sar" model
gamsar_dem <- pspatfit(formula = formgam,
                      data = unemp_it,
                      type = "sar", 
                      listw = lwsp_it,
                      demean = TRUE,
                      index = c("prov", "year"))

pspatreg: A package to estimate and make inference for spatial and spatio-temporal econometric regression models


pspatreg offers the user a collection of functions to estimate and make inference of geoadditive spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric regression models of type ps-sim, ps-sar, ps-sem, ps-sarar, ps-sdm, ps-sdem or ps-slx. These type of specifications are very general and they can include parametric and non-parametric covariates, spatial or spatio-temporal non-parametric trends and spatial lags of the dependent and independent variables and/or the noise of the model. The non-parametric terms (either trends or covariates) are modeled using P-Splines. The non-parametric trend can be decomposed in an ANOVA way including main and interactions effects of 2nd and 3rd order. The estimation method can be restricted maximum likelihood (REML) or maximum likelihood (ML).


Some functionalities that have been included in pspatreg package are:

1. Estimation of the semiparametric regression model

pspatreg allows the estimation of geoadditive spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric regression models which could include:

  • An spatial or spatio-temporal trend, that is, a geoadditive model either for cross-section data or for panel data. This trend can be decomposed in main and interaction functions in an ANOVA way. The spatial (or spatio-temporal) trend gather the potential spatial heterogeneity of the data.

  • Parametric covariates as usual in regression models.

  • Non-parametric covariates in which the functional relationship is estimated from the data. Both the trends and non-parametric covariates are modelled using P-splines.

  • Spatial dependence adding spatial lags of the dependent and independent variables as usual in spatial econometric models. These models gather the potential spatial spillovers.

Once specified, the whole model can be estimated using either restricted maximum-likelihood (REML) or maximum likelihood (ML). The spatial econometric specifications allowed in pspatreg are the following ones:

  • ps-sim: geoadditive semiparametric model without spatial effects (in addition to the spatial or spatio-temporal trend, if it is included).

    y=f(s1,s2,τt)y+Xβ++i=1kg(zi)+ϵy = f(s_1,s_2,\tau_{t}) y + X \beta + + \sum_{i=1}^k g(z_i) + \epsilon


    • f(s1,s2,τt)f(s_1,s_2,\tau_t) is a smooth spatio-temporal trend of the spatial coordinates s1,s2s1,s_2 and of the temporal coordinates τt\tau_t.

    • XX is a matrix including values of parametric covariates.

    • g(zi)g(z_i) are non-parametric smooth functions of the covariates ziz_i.

    • ϵ N(0,R)\epsilon ~ N(0,R) where R=σ2ITR = \sigma^2 I_T if errors are uncorrelated or it follows an AR(1) temporal autoregressive structure for serially correlated errors.

  • ps-slx: geoadditive semiparametric model with spatial lags of the regresors (either parametric or non-parametric):

    y=f(s1,s2,τt)+Xβ+(WNIT)Xθ+i=1kg(zi)+i=1kg((γiWNIT)zi)+ϵy = f(s_1,s_2,\tau_{t}) + X \beta + (W_{N} \otimes I_T) X \theta + \sum_{i =1}^k g(z_i) + \sum_{i = 1}^k g((\gamma_i*W_{N} \otimes I_T) z_i) + \epsilon


    • WNW_N is the spatial weights matrix.

    • ITI_T is an identity matrix of order TT (T = 1 for pure spatial data).

  • ps-sar: geoadditive semiparametric model with spatial lag of the dependent variable

    y=(ρWNIT)y+f(s1,s2,τt)+Xβ+i=1kg(zi)+ϵy = (\rho*W_{N} \otimes I_T) y + f(s_1,s_2,\tau_{t}) + X \beta + \sum_{i =1}^k g(z_i) + \epsilon

  • ps-sem: geoadditive semiparametric model with a spatial lag of the noise of the model

    y=f(s1,s2,τt)+Xβ+i=1kg(zi)+uy = f(s_1,s_2,\tau_{t}) + X \beta + \sum_{i =1}^k g(z_i) + u

    u=(δWNIT)u+ϵu = (\delta*W_{N} \otimes I_T) u + \epsilon

  • ps-sdm: geoadditive semiparametric model with spatial lags of the endogenous variable and of the regressors (spatial durbin model)

    y=(ρWNIT)y+f(s1,s2,τt)+Xβ+(WNIT)Xθ+i=1kg(zi)+i=1kg((γiWNIT)zi)+ϵy = (\rho*W_{N} \otimes I_T) y + f(s_1,s_2,\tau_{t}) + X \beta + (W_{N} \otimes I_T) X \theta + \sum_{i = 1}^k g(z_i) + \sum_{i = 1}^k g((\gamma_i*W_{N} \otimes I_T) z_i) + \epsilon

  • ps-sdem: geoadditive semiparametric model with spatial errors and spatial lags of the endogenous variable and of the regressors

    y=f(s1,s2,τt)+Xβ+(WNIT)Xθ+i=1kg(zi)+i=1kg((γiWNIT)zi)+uy = f(s_1,s_2,\tau_{t}) + X \beta + (W_{N} \otimes I_T) X \theta + \sum_{i = 1}^k g(z_i) + \sum_{i = 1}^k g((\gamma_i*W_{N} \otimes I_T) z_i) + u

    u=(δWNIT)u+ϵu = (\delta*W_{N} \otimes I_T) u + \epsilon

  • ps-sarar: geoadditive semiparametric model with a spatial lag for: both dependent variable and errors

    y=(ρWNIT)y+f(s1,s2,τt)+Xβ+(WNIT)Xθ+i=1kg(zi)+i=1kg((γiWNIT)zi)+uy = (\rho*W_{N} \otimes I_T) y + f(s_1,s_2,\tau_{t}) + X \beta + (W_{N} \otimes I_T) X \theta + \sum_{i = 1}^k g(z_i) + \sum_{i = 1}^k g((\gamma_i*W_{N} \otimes I_T) z_i) + u

    u=(δWNIT)u+ϵu = (\delta*W_{N} \otimes I_T) u + \epsilon

2. Plot of the spatial and spatio-temporal trends

Once estimated the geoadditive semiparametric model, some functions of pspatreg are suited to make plots of the spatial or spatio-temporal trends. These functions, named plot_sp2d and plot_sp3d, can deal either with 'sf' objects or 'dataframe' objects including spatial coordinates (see the examples of the functions). The function plot_sptime allows to examine temporal trends for each spatial unit. Eventually, it is also possible to get the plots on nonparametric covariates using plot_terms.

3. Impacts and spatial spillovers

It is very common in spatial econometrics to evaluate the multiplier impacts that a change in the value of a regressor, in a point in the space, has on the explained variable. The pspatreg package allows the computation and inference of spatial impacts (direct, indirect and total) either for parametric covariates or nonparametric covariates (in the last case, the output are impact functions). The function named impactspar compute the impacts for parametric covariates in the usual way using simulation. On the other hand, the function impactsnopar allows the computation of impact functions for nonparametric covariates. For parametric covariates, the method to compute the impacts is the same than the exposed in LeSage and Page (2009). For nonparametric covariates the method is described in the help of the function impactsnopar. Both impact functions have dedicated methods to get a summary, for the parametric covariates, and plots, for the nonparametric covariates, of the direct, indirect and total impacts.

4. Additional methods

The package pspatreg provides the usual methods to extract information of the fitted models. The methods included are:

  • anova: provides tables of fitted 'pspatreg' models including information criteria (AIC and BIC), log-likelihood and degrees of freedom of each fitted model. Also allows to perform LR tests between nested models.

  • print method is used to print short tables including the values of beta and spatial coefficients as well as p-values of significance test for each coefficient.

  • summary method displays the results of the estimation for spatial and spatio-temporal trends, parametric and nonparametric covariates and spatial parameters.

  • coef extractor function of the parametric and spatial coefficientes.

  • fitted extractor function of the fitted values.

  • logLik extractor function of the log-likelihood.

  • residuals extractor function of the residuals.

  • vcov extractor function of the covariance matrix of the estimated parameters. The argument bayesian (default = 'TRUE') allows to choose between sandwich (frequentist) or bayesian method to compute the variances and covariances. See Fahrmeir et al. (2021) for details.


pspatreg includes a spatio-temporal panel database including observations of unemployment, economic variables and spatial coordinates (centroids) for 103 Italian provinces in the period 1996-2019. This database is provided in RData format and can be loaded using the command data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg"). The database also includes a W spatial neighborhood matrix of the Italian provinces (computed using queen criterium). Furthermore, a map of Italian provinces is also included as an sf object. This map can be used to plot spatial and spatio-temporal trends estimated for each province. Some examples of spatial and spatio-temporal fitted trends are included in the help of the main function of pspatreg package (see especially ?pspatfit). See Minguez, Basile and Durban (2020) for additional details about this database.
source: Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)

For the spatial pure case, the examples included use the household database ames included in AmesHousing package. See the help of ?AmesHousing::make_ames for an explanation of the variables included in this database. Examples of hedonic models including geoadditive spatial econometric regressions are included in the examples of pspatreg package.


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]


  • Basile, R.; Durban, M.; Minguez, R.; Montero, J. M.; and Mur, J. (2014). Modeling regional economic dynamics: Spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearities. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (48), 229-245. <doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2014.06.011>

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (1996). Flexible Smoothing with B-Splines and Penalties. Statistical Science, (11), 89-121.

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (2021). Practical Smoothing. The Joys of P-Splines. Cambridge University Press.

  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2021). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications (2nd Ed.). Springer.

  • Lee, D. and Durban, M. (2011). P-Spline ANOVA Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing. Statistical Modelling, (11), 49-69. <doi:10.1177/1471082X1001100104>

  • Lee, D. J., Durban, M., and Eilers, P. (2013). Efficient two-dimensional smoothing with P-spline ANOVA mixed models and nested bases. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, (61), 22-37. <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.11.013>

  • LeSage, J. and Pace, K. (2009). Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

  • Minguez, R.; Basile, R. and Durban, M. (2020). An Alternative Semiparametric Model for Spatial Panel Data. Statistical Methods and Applications, (29), 669-708. <doi: 10.1007/s10260-019-00492-8>

  • Montero, J., Minguez, R., and Durban, M. (2012). SAR models with nonparametric spatial trends: A P-Spline approach. Estadistica Espanola, (54:177), 89-111.

  • Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. X.; Kneib, T.; Durban, M.; Lee, D.J. and Eilers, P. (2015). Fast smoothing parameter separation in multidimensional generalized P-splines: the SAP algorithm. Statistics and Computing 25 (5), 941-957. <doi:10.1007/s11222-014-9464-2>

  • Wood, S.N. (2017). Generalized Additive Models. An Introduction with R (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Functions to include non-parametric continous covariates and spatial or spatio-temporal trends in semiparametric regression models.


The pspl() and pspt() functions allow the inclusion of non-parametric continuous covariates and spatial or spatio-temporal trends in semiparametric regression models. Both type of terms are modelled using P-splines.

pspl(): This function allows the inclusion of terms for non-parametric covariates in semiparametric models. Each non-parametric covariate must be included with its own pspl term in a formula.

pspt(): This function allows the inclusion of a spatial or spatio-temporal trend in the formula of the semiparametric spatial or spatio-temporal models. The trend can be decomposed in an ANOVA functional way including main and interaction effects.


  xl = min(x) - 0.01 * abs(min(x)),
  xr = max(x) + 0.01 * abs(max(x)),
  nknots = 10,
  bdeg = 3,
  pord = 2,
  decom = 3

  time = NULL,
  scale = TRUE,
  ntime = NULL,
  xl_sp1 = min(sp1) - 0.01 * abs(min(sp1)),
  xr_sp1 = max(sp1) + 0.01 * abs(max(sp1)),
  xl_sp2 = min(sp2) - 0.01 * abs(min(sp2)),
  xr_sp2 = max(sp2) + 0.01 * abs(max(sp2)),
  xl_time = min(time) - 0.01 * abs(min(time)),
  xr_time = max(time) + 0.01 * abs(max(time)),
  nknots = c(10, 10, 5),
  bdeg = c(3, 3, 3),
  pord = c(2, 2, 2),
  decom = 3,
  psanova = FALSE,
  nest_sp1 = 1,
  nest_sp2 = 1,
  nest_time = 1,
  f1_main = TRUE,
  f2_main = TRUE,
  ft_main = TRUE,
  f12_int = TRUE,
  f1t_int = TRUE,
  f2t_int = TRUE,
  f12t_int = TRUE



Name of the covariate.


Minimum of the interval for the continuous covariate.


Maximum of the interval for the continuous covariate.


Vector including the number of knots of each coordinate for spline bases. Default = c(10,10,5). The order of the knots in the vector follows the order of the specified spatio-temporal parameters so the first value of the vector is the number of knots for sp1, the second value is for sp2 and the third for time. See Examples.


Order of the B-spline bases. Default = c(3,3,3).


Order of the penalty for the difference matrices in P-spline. Default = c(2,2,2).


Type of decomposition of fixed part when P-spline term is expressed as a mixed model. If decom = 1 the fixed part is given by X=BUnX = B*U_n where B is the B-spline basis matrix and U_n is the nullspace basis of the penalty matrix. If decom = 2 the fixed part is given by X=[1x...x(pord1)]X = [1|x|...|x^(pord-1)]. Default = 2.


Name of the first spatial coordinate.


Name of the second spatial coordinate.


Name of the temporal coordinate. It must be specified only for spatio-temporal trends when using panel data. Default = 'NULL'.


Logical value to scale the spatial and temporal coordinates before the estimation of semiparametric model. Default = 'TRUE'


Number of temporal periods in panel data.


Minimum of the interval for the first spatial coordinate.


Maximum of the interval for the first spatial coordinate.


Minimum of the interval for the second spatial coordinate.


Maximum of the interval for the second spatial coordinate.


Minimum of the interval for the temporal coordinate.


Maximum of the interval for the temporal coordinate.


Logical value to choose an ANOVA decomposition of the spatial or spatio-temporal trend. Default = 'FALSE'. If 'TRUE', you must specify the divisors for main, and interaction effects. More in Examples.


Vector including the divisor of the knots for main and interaction effects for the first spatial coordinate. It is used for ANOVA decomposition models including nested bases. Default = 1 (no nested bases). The values must be divisors and the resulting value of the division should not be smaller than 4.


Vector including the divisor of the knots for main and interaction effects for the second spatial coordinate. It is used for ANOVA decomposition models including nested bases. Default = 1 (no nested bases). The values must be divisors and the resulting value of the division should not be smaller than 4.


Vector including the divisor of the knots for main and interaction effects for the temporal coordinate. It is used for ANOVA decomposition models including nested bases. Default = 1 (no nested bases). The values must be divisors and the resulting value of the division should not be smaller than 4.


Logical value to include main effect for the first spatial coordinate in ANOVA models. Default = 'TRUE'.


Logical value to include main effect for the second spatial coordinate in ANOVA models. Default = 'TRUE'.


Logical value to include main effect for the temporal coordinate in ANOVA models. Default = 'TRUE'.


Logical value to include second-order interaction effect between first and second spatial coordinates in ANOVA models. Default = 'TRUE'.


Logical value to include second-order interaction effect between first spatial and temporal coordinates in ANOVA models. Default = 'TRUE'.


Logical value to include second-order interaction effect between second spatial and temporal coordinates in ANOVA models. Default = 'TRUE'.


Logical value to include third-order interaction effect between first and second spatial coordinates and temporal coordinates in ANOVA models. Default = 'TRUE'.


pspl(): An object of class bs including.

B Matrix including B-spline basis for the covariate
a List including nknots, knots, bdeg, pord and decom.

pspt(): An object of class bs including.

B Matrix including B-spline basis for the covariate
a List including sp1, sp2, time, nknots, bdeg, pord, decom, psanova, nest_sp1, nest_sp2, nest_time, f1_main, f2_main, ft_main, f12_int, f1t_int, f2t_int, and f12t_int.


  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (1996). Flexible Smoothing with B-Splines and Penalties. Statistical Science, (11), 89-121.

  • Eilers, P. and Marx, B. (2021). Practical Smoothing. The Joys of P-Splines. Cambridge University Press.

  • Fahrmeir, L.; Kneib, T.; Lang, S.; and Marx, B. (2021). Regression. Models, Methods and Applications (2nd Ed.). Springer.

  • Lee, D. and Durban, M. (2011). P-Spline ANOVA Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing. Statistical Modelling, (11), 49-69. <doi:10.1177/1471082X1001100104>

  • Lee, D. J., Durban, M., and Eilers, P. (2013). Efficient two-dimensional smoothing with P-spline ANOVA mixed models and nested bases. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, (61), 22-37. <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.11.013>

  • Minguez, R.; Basile, R. and Durban, M. (2020). An Alternative Semiparametric Model for Spatial Panel Data. Statistical Methods and Applications, (29), 669-708. <doi: 10.1007/s10260-019-00492-8>

  • Wood, S.N. (2017). Generalized Additive Models. An Introduction with R (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.

See Also

pspatfit estimate semiparametric spatial or spatio-temporal regression models.


# Examples using spatial data of Ames Houses.
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames() # Raw Ames Housing Data
ames_sf <- st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
ames_sf$Longitude <- ames$Longitude
ames_sf$Latitude <- ames$Latitude
ames_sf$lnSale_Price <- log(ames_sf$Sale_Price)
ames_sf$lnLot_Area <- log(ames_sf$Lot_Area)
ames_sf$lnTotal_Bsmt_SF <- log(ames_sf$Total_Bsmt_SF+1)
ames_sf$lnGr_Liv_Area <- log(ames_sf$Gr_Liv_Area)
########### Constructing the spatial weights matrix
ames_sf1 <- ames_sf[(duplicated(ames_sf$Longitude) == FALSE), ]
coord_sf1 <- cbind(ames_sf1$Longitude, ames_sf1$Latitude)
ID <- row.names(as(ames_sf1, "sf"))
col_tri_nb <- tri2nb(coord_sf1)
soi_nb <- graph2nb(soi.graph(col_tri_nb, 
                   row.names = ID)
lw_ames <- nb2listw(soi_nb, style = "W", 
                    zero.policy = FALSE)

####  GAM pure with pspatreg
form1 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20)    
gampure <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1)
#########  GAM pure with spatial trend (2d)
#####################  GAM + SAR Model
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1, 
                   type = "sar", listw = lw_ames,
                   method = "Chebyshev")
### Models with 2d spatial trend
form2 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20) +
          pspt(Longitude, Latitude, 
               nknots = c(10, 10), 
               psanova = FALSE)
#####################  GAM + GEO Model
gamgeo2d <- pspatfit(form2, data = ames_sf1)

gamgeo2dsar <- pspatfit(form2, data = ames_sf1,
                        type = "sar", 
                        listw = lw_ames, 
                        method = "Chebyshev")
### Models with psanova 2d spatial trend
form3 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20) +
          pspt(Longitude, Latitude, 
               nknots = c(10, 10), 
               psanova = TRUE)
gamgeo2danovasar <- pspatfit(form3, data = ames_sf1,
                        type = "sar", 
                        listw = lw_ames, method = "Chebyshev")
###################### Examples using a panel data of rate of
###################### unemployment for 103 Italian provinces in 1996-2019.
## load spatial panel and Wsp_it
## 103 Italian provinces. Period 1996-2019
data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg")
## Wsp_it is a matrix. Create a neighboord list 
lwsp_it <- spdep::mat2listw(Wsp_it)
 ### Spatio-temporal semiparametric ANOVA model 
 ### Interaction terms f12,f1t,f2t and f12t with nested basis
 ### Remark: nest_sp1, nest_sp2 and nest_time must be divisors of nknots
 form4 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +
                   pspl(serv, nknots = 15) + 
                   pspl(empgrowth, nknots = 20) +
                   pspt(long, lat, year, 
                        nknots = c(18, 18, 8), 
                        psanova = TRUE, 
                        nest_sp1 = c(1, 2, 2), 
                        nest_sp2 = c(1, 2, 2),
                        nest_time = c(1, 2, 2))
 sptanova <- pspatfit(form4, data = unemp_it)

 ### Interaction terms f1t not included in ANOVA decomposition
 form5 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +
                   pspl(serv, nknots = 15) + 
                   pspl(empgrowth, nknots=20) +
                   pspt(long, lat, year, 
                        nknots = c(18, 18, 8),
                        psanova = TRUE, 
                        nest_sp1 = c(1, 2, 3), 
                        nest_sp2 = c(1, 2, 3),
                        nest_time = c(1, 2, 2), 
                        f1t_int = FALSE)
 ## Add sar specification and ar1 temporal correlation 
 sptanova2_sar_ar1 <- pspatfit(form5, data = unemp_it, 
                              listw = lwsp_it, 
                              type = "sar",
                              cor = "ar1")

Summary method for object of class impactspar.pspatreg.


This method summarizes direct, indirect and total effects (or impacts) for continous parametric covariates in semiparametric spatial regression models.


## S3 method for class 'impactspar.pspatreg'
summary(object, ...)



impactspar object fitted using pspatfit function.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class summary.impactspar.pspatreg


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]

See Also


# See examples for \code{\link{impactspar}} function.

Summary method for objects of class pspatreg.


This method summarizes both spatial (2-dimension) and spatio-temporal (3-dimension) pspatreg objects. The tables include information of:

  • The spatial (or spatio-temporal) trends. When the model is ANOVA the trend is decomposed in main and interaction effects.

  • The parametric and non-parametric covariates.

  • The ρ\rho parameter when the model is SAR.

  • The ϕ\phi parameter when the model is spatio-temporal with a first-order autorregressive in the noise.


## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
summary(object, ...)



pspatreg object fitted using pspatfit function.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class summary.pspatreg


Roman Minguez [email protected]
Roberto Basile [email protected]
Maria Durban [email protected]
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia [email protected]

See Also


# See examples for \code{\link{pspatfit}} function.

Regional unemployment rates Italian provinces


A panel dataset containing unemployment rates and other economic variables for Italian NUTS-3 provinces during the years 1996-2019.




A data frame with 2472 rows and 17 variables:


province (NUTS-3) coded as a number.


province (NUTS-3) coded as a name.


region (NUTS-2) coded as a name.




area of the province (km~2~).


unemployment rate (percentage).


share of employment in agriculture (percentage).


share of employment in industry (percentage).


share of employment in construction (percentage).


share of employment in services (percentage).


population density.


labor force participation rate, i.e. the ratio between the total labor force and the working population.


employment growth rate (percentage).


longitude of the centroid of the province.


latitude of the centroid of the province.


dummy variable with unit value for southern provinces.


logarithm of population density.


Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)

Spatial weight matrix for Italian provinces


A spatial weight matrix row-standardized for Italian NUTS-3 provinces




A row-standardized squared matrix with 103 rows and columns. The rows and columns follow the same order than provinces included in unemp_it data frame.


Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)