Package 'spsur'

Title: Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models
Description: A collection of functions to test and estimate Seemingly Unrelated Regression (usually called SUR) models, with spatial structure, by maximum likelihood and three-stage least squares. The package estimates the most common spatial specifications, that is, SUR with Spatial Lag of X regressors (called SUR-SLX), SUR with Spatial Lag Model (called SUR-SLM), SUR with Spatial Error Model (called SUR-SEM), SUR with Spatial Durbin Model (called SUR-SDM), SUR with Spatial Durbin Error Model (called SUR-SDEM), SUR with Spatial Autoregressive terms and Spatial Autoregressive Disturbances (called SUR-SARAR), SUR-SARAR with Spatial Lag of X regressors (called SUR-GNM) and SUR with Spatially Independent Model (called SUR-SIM). The methodology of these models can be found in next references: Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010) <doi:10.1080/17421772.2010.516443>; Lopez, F.A., Mur, J., and Angulo, A. (2014) <doi:10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2> and Lopez, F.A., Minguez, R. and Mur, J. (2020) <doi:10.1007/s00168-019-00914-1>.
Authors: Ana Angulo [aut], Fernando A Lopez [aut], Roman Minguez [aut, cre], Jesus Mur [aut]
Maintainer: Roman Minguez <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-01-22 05:13:13 UTC

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Generation of a random dataset with a spatial SUR structure.


The purpose of the function dgp_spsur is to generate a random dataset with the dimensions and spatial structure decided by the user. This function may be useful in pure simulation experiments or with the aim of showing specific properties and characteristics of a spatial SUR dataset and inferential procedures related to them.

The user of dgp_spsur should think in terms of a Monte Carlo experiment. The arguments of the function specify the dimensions of the dataset to be generated, the spatial mechanism underlying the data, the intensity of the SUR structure among the equations and the values of the parameters to be used to obtain the simulated data, which includes the error terms, the regressors and the explained variables.


dgp_spsur(Sigma, Tm = 1, G, N, Betas, Thetas = NULL, 
                 rho = NULL, lambda = NULL, p = NULL, listw = NULL, 
                 X = NULL, type = "matrix", pdfU = "nvrnorm", 
                 pdfX = "nvrnorm")



Covariance matrix between the G equations of the SUR model. This matrix should be definite positive and the user must check for that.


Number of time periods. Default = 1


Number of equations.


Number of cross-section or spatial units


A row vector of order (1xP)(1xP) showing the values for the beta coefficients. The first P1P_{1} terms correspond to the first equation (where the first element is the intercept), the second P2P_{2} terms to the coefficients of the second equation and so on.


Values for the θ\theta coefficients in the G equations of the model, when the type of spatial SUR model to be simulated is a "slx", "sdm" or "sdem". Thetas is a row vector of order 1xPTheta1xPTheta, where PThetas=pGPThetas=p-G; let us note that the intercept cannot appear among the spatial lags of the regressors. The first 1xKTheta11xKTheta_{1} terms correspond to the first equation, the second 1xPTheta21xPTheta_{2} terms correspond to the second equation, and so on. Default = NULL.


Values of the coefficients ρg;g=1,2,...,G\rho_{g}; g=1,2,..., G related to the spatial lag of the explained variable of the g-th equation. If rhorho is an scalar and there are G equations in the model, the same value will be used for all the equations. If rhorho is a row vector, of order (1xG), the function dgp_spsur will use these values, one for each equation. Default = NULL.


Values of the coefficients λg;g=1,2,...,G\lambda_{g}; g=1,2,..., G related to the spatial lag of the errors in the G equations. If lambdalambda is an scalar and there are G equations in the model, the same value will be used for all the equations. If lambdalambda is a row vector, of order (1xG), the function dgp_spsur will use these values, one for each equation of the spatial errors. Default = NULL.


Number of regressors by equation, including the intercept. p can be a row vector of order (1xG), if the number of regressors is not the same for all the equations, or a scalar, if the G equations have the same number of regressors.


A listw object created for example by nb2listw from spatialreg package; if nb2listw not given, set to the same spatial weights as the listw argument. It can also be a spatial weighting matrix of order (NxN) instead of a listw object. Default = NULL.


This argument tells the function dgp_spsur which X matrix should be used to generate the SUR dataset. If X is different from NULL, {dgp_spsur} will upload the X matrix selected in this argument. Note that the X must be consistent with the dimensions of the model. If X is NULL, dgp_spsur will generate the desired matrix of regressors from a multivariate Normal distribution with mean value zero and identity (PxP)(PxP) covariance matrix. As an alternative, the user may change this probability distribution function to the uniform case, U(0,1)U(0,1), through the argument pdfX. Default = NULL.


Selection of the type of output. The alternatives are matrix, df, panel, all. Default matrix


Multivariate probability distribution function, Mpdf, from which the values of the error terms will be drawn. The covariance matrix is the Σ\Sigma matrix specified by the user in the argument. Two alternatives "lognvrnorm", "nvrnorm". Default "nvrnorm".

Sigma. The function dgp_spsur provides two Mpdf, the multivariate Normal, which is the default, and the log-Normal distribution function which means just exponenciate the sampling drawn form a N(0,Σ)N(0,\Sigma) distribution. Default = "nvrnorm".


Multivariate probability distribution function (Mpdf), from which the values of the regressors will be drawn. The regressors are assumed to be independent. dgp_spsur provides two Mpdf, the multivariate Normal, which is the default, and the uniform in the interval U[0,1]U[0,1], using the dunif function. dunif, from the stats package. Two alternatives "nvrunif", "nvrnorm". Default "nvrnorm".


The purpose of the function dgp_spsur is to generate random datasets, of a SUR nature, with the spatial structure decided by the user. The function requires certain information to be supplied externally because, in fact, dgp_spsur constitutes a Data Generation Process, DGP. The following aspects should be addressed:

  • The user must define the dimensions of the dataset, that is, number of equations, G, number of time periods, Tm, and number of cross-sectional units, N.

  • The user must choose the type of spatial structure desired for the model from among the list of candidates of "sim", "slx", "slm", "sem", "sdm", "sdem" or "sarar". The default is the "sim" specification which does not have spatial structure. The decision is made implicitly, just omitting the specification of the spatial parameters which are not involved in the model (i.e., in a "slm" there are no λ\lambda parameters but appear ρ\rho parameters; in a "sdem" model there are λ\lambda and θ\theta parameters but no ρ\rho coefficients).

  • If the user needs a model with spatial structure, a (NxN) weighting matrix, W, should be chosen.

  • The next step builds the equations of the SUR model. In this case, the user must specify the number of regressors that intervene in each equation and the coefficients, β\beta parameters, associated with each regressor. The first question is solved through the argument p which, if a scalar, indicates that the same number of regressors should appear in all the equations of the model; if the user seeks for a model with different number of regressors in the G equations, the argument p must be a (1xG) row vector with the required information. It must be remembered that dgp_spsur assumes that an intercept appears in all equations of the model.

    The second part of the problem posited above is solved through the argument Betas, which is a row vector of order (1xp) with the information required for this set of coefficients.

  • The user must specify, also, the values of the spatial parameters corresponding to the chosen specification; we are referring to the ρg\rho_{g}, λg\lambda_{g} and θg\theta_{g}, for g=1,...,Gandk=1,...,Kgg=1, ..., G and k=1,..., K_{g} parameters. This is done thought the arguments rho, lambda and theta. The firs two, rho and lambda, work as K: if they are scalar, the same value will be used in the G equations of the SUR model; if they are (1xG) row vectors, a different value will be assigned for each equation.

    Moreover, Theta works like the argument Betas. The user must define a row vector of order 1xPTheta1xPTheta showing these values. It is worth to remember that in no case the intercept will appear among the lagged regressors.

  • With the argument type the user take the decision of the output format. See Value section.

  • Finally, the user must decide which values of the regressors and of the error terms are to be used in the simulation. The regressors can be uploaded from an external matrix generated previously by the user. This is the argument X. It is the responsibility of the user to check that the dimensions of the external matrix are consistent with the dataset required for the SUR model. A second possibility implies the regressors to be generated randomly by the function dgp_spsur. In this case, the user must select the probability distribution function from which the corresponding data (of the regressors and the error terms) are to be drawn.

dgp_spsur provides two multivariate distribution functions, namely, the Normal and the log-Normal for the errors (the second should be taken as a clear departure from the standard assumption of normality). In both cases, random matrices of order (TmNxG) are obtained from a multivariate normal distribution, with a mean value of zero and the covariance matrix specified in the argument Sigma; then, this matrix is exponentiated for the log-Normal case. Roughly, the same procedure applies for drawing the values of the regressor. There are two distribution functions available, the normal and the uniform in the interval U[0,1]U[0,1]; the regressors are always independent.


The default output ("matrix") is a list with a vector YY of order (TmNGx1) with the values generated for the explained variable in the G equations of the SUR and a matrix XXXX of order ((TmNGxsum(p)), with the values generated for the regressors of the SUR, including an intercept for each equation.

In case of Tm = 1 or G = 1 several alternatives output can be select:

  • If the user select type = "df" the output is a data frame where each column is a variable.

  • If the user select type = "panel" the output is a data frame in panel format including two factors. The first factor point out the observation of the individual and the second the equation for different Tm or G.

  • Finally, if type = "all" is select the output is a list including all alternatives format.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Lopez, F. A., Minguez, R., Mur, J. (2020). ML versus IV estimates of spatial SUR models: evidence from the case of Airbnb in Madrid urban area. The Annals of Regional Science, 64(2), 313-347. <doi:10.1007/s00168-019-00914-1>

See Also

spsurml, spsur3sls, spsurtime


## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_dgp_spsur, package="spsur")

### PANEL DATA (Tm = 1 or G = 1)              ##

#### Example 1: DGP SLM model. G equations
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
Tm <- 1 # Number of time periods
G <- 3 # Number of equations
N <- 200 # Number of spatial elements
p <- 3 # Number of independent variables
Sigma <- matrix(0.3, ncol = G, nrow = G)
diag(Sigma) <- 1
Betas <- c(1, 2, 3, 1, -1, 0.5, 1, -0.5, 2)
rho <- 0.5 # level of spatial dependence
lambda <- 0.0 # spatial autocorrelation error term = 0
##  random coordinates
co <- cbind(runif(N,0,1),runif(N,0,1))
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(co, k = 5,
                                                   longlat = FALSE)))
DGP <- dgp_spsur(Sigma = Sigma, Betas = Betas,
                 rho = rho, lambda = lambda, Tm = Tm,
                 G = G, N = N, p = p, listw = lw)

SLM <- spsurml(X = DGP$X, Y = DGP$Y, Tm = Tm, N = N, G = G, 
               p = c(3, 3, 3), listw = lw, type = "slm") 

#### Example 2: DGP SEM model with Tm>1; G=1 and
#### different p for each equation
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
Tm <- 3 # Number of time periods
G <- 1 # Number of equations
N <- 500 # Number of spatial elements
p <- c(2,3,4) # Number of independent variables
Sigma <- matrix(0.8, ncol = Tm, nrow = Tm)
diag(Sigma) <- 1
Betas <- c(1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4)
rho <- 0 # level of spatial dependence = 0
lambda <- c(0.2,0.5,0.8) 
## spatial autocorrelation error terms for each equation
## random coordinates
co <- cbind(runif(N,0,1),runif(N,0,1))
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(co, k = 5,
                                                   longlat = FALSE)))
DGP2 <- dgp_spsur(Sigma = Sigma, Betas = Betas, rho = rho, 
                  lambda = lambda, Tm = Tm, G = G, N = N, p = p, 
                  listw = lw)
SLM2 <- spsurml(X = DGP2$X, Y = DGP2$Y, Tm = Tm, N = N, G = G,
               p = c(2,3,4), listw = lw, type = "slm")
SEM2 <- spsurml(X = DGP2$X, Y = DGP2$Y, Tm = Tm, N = N, G = G,
               p = c(2,3,4), listw = lw, type = "sem")

#### Example 3: DGP SEM model with Tm>1; G=1 and
#### different p for each equation. Output "df"
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
Tm <- 3 # Number of time periods
G <- 1 # Number of equations
N <- 500 # Number of spatial elements
p <- c(2,3,4) # Number of independent variables
Sigma <- matrix(0.8, ncol = Tm, nrow = Tm)
diag(Sigma) <- 1
Betas <- c(1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4)
rho <- 0 # level of spatial dependence = 0
lambda <- c(0.2,0.5,0.8) 
## spatial autocorrelation error terms for each equation
## random coordinates
co <- cbind(runif(N,0,1),runif(N,0,1))
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(co, k = 5,
                                                   longlat = FALSE)))
DGP3 <- dgp_spsur(Sigma = Sigma, Betas = Betas, rho = rho, 
                  lambda = lambda, Tm = Tm, G = G, N = N, p = p, 
                  listw = lw, type = "df")
formula <- Y_1 | Y_2 | Y_3 ~ X_11 | X_21 + X_22 | X_31 + X_32 + X_33
SLM3 <- spsurml(formula = formula, data = DGP3$df,
               listw = lw, type = "slm")
SEM3 <- spsurml(formula = formula, data = DGP3$df,
                listw = lw, type = "sem")


rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
Tm <- 10 # Number of time periods
G <- 3 # Number of equations
N <- 100 # Number of spatial elements
p <- 3 # Number of independent variables
Sigma <- matrix(0.5, ncol = G, nrow = G)
diag(Sigma) <- 1
Betas <- rep(1:3, G)
rho <- c(0.5, 0.1, 0.8)
lambda <- 0.0 # spatial autocorrelation error term = 0
## random coordinates
co <- cbind(runif(N,0,1),runif(N,0,1))
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(co, k = 5,
                                                   longlat = FALSE)))
DGP4 <- dgp_spsur(Sigma = Sigma, Betas = Betas, rho = rho, 
                  lambda = lambda, Tm = Tm, G = G, N = N, p = p, 
                  listw = lw)
SLM4  <- spsurml(Y = DGP4$Y, X = DGP4$X, G = G, N = N, Tm = Tm,
                 p = p, listw = lw, type = "slm")

Direct, indirect and total effects estimated for a spatial SUR model


This function is a wrapper for impacts method used in spatialreg package. Nevertheless, in this case the same method is used for both lagsarlm and lmSLX objects. For details of implementation, see the documentation of impacts function in spatialreg package.
The function obtains the multiplier effects, on the explained variable, of a change in a regressor for the model that has been estimated. For reasons given below, this function only applies to models with an autoregressive structure ("slm", "sdm", "sarar" and "gnm") or with spatial lags of the regressors ("slx", "sdem").
The measurement of the multiplier effects is a bit more complicated than in a pure time series context because, due to the spatial structure of the model, part of the impacts spills over non uniformly over the space. Using the notation introduced by LeSage and Pace (2009) we distinguish between:

  • Average Direct effects: The average over the N spatial units and Tm time periods of the effect of a unitary change in the value of a explanatory variable on the contemporaneous value of the corresponding explained variable, located in the same point of the intervened regressor. This calculus is solved for all the regressors that appear in the G equations of the model.

  • Average Indirect effects: The average over the N spatial units and Tm time periods of the effects of a unitary change in the value of a explanatory variable on the contemporaneous value of the corresponding explained variable, located in a different spatial unit that that of the intervened regressor. This calculus is solved for all the regressors that appear in the G equations of the model.

  • Average total effects: The sum of Direct and Indirect effects.

The information on the three estimated effects is supplement with an indirect measure of statistical significance obtained from the randomization approach introduced in LeSage and Pace (2009).


impactspsur (obj, ..., tr = NULL, R = NULL, listw = NULL, 
                      evalues = NULL,tol = 1e-06, 
                      empirical = FALSE, Q = NULL)



An spsur object created by spsurml, spsur3sls or spsurtime.


Arguments passed through to methods in the coda package


A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using trW, for approximate impact measures; if not given, listw must be given for exact measures (for small to moderate spatial weights matrices); the traces must be for the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, and must be row-standardised


If given, simulations are used to compute distributions for the impact measures, returned as mcmc objects; the objects are used for convenience but are not output by an MCMC process


If tr is not given, a spatial weights object as created by nb2listw; they must be the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, but do not have to be row-standardised


vector of eigenvalues of spatial weights matrix for impacts calculations


Argument passed to mvrnorm: tolerance (relative to largest variance) for numerical lack of positive-definiteness in the coefficient covariance matrix


Argument passed to mvrnorm (default FALSE): if true, the coefficients and their covariance matrix specify the empirical not population mean and covariance matrix


default NULL, else an integer number of cumulative power series impacts to calculate if tr is given


LeSage and Pace (2009) adapt the classical notion of 'economic multiplier' to the problem of measuring the impact that a unitary change in the value of a regressor, produced in a certain point in space, has on the explained variable. The question is interesting because, due to the spatial structure of the model, the impacts of such change spill non uniformly over the space. In fact, the reaction of the explained variable depends on its relative location in relation to the point of intervention.
To simplify matters, LeSage and Pace (2009) propose to obtain aggregated multipliers for each regressor, just averaging the N2N^{2} impacts that results from intervening the value of each regressor on each of the N points in Space, on the explained variable, measured also in each of the NN points in space. This aggregated average is the so-called Total effect.
Part of this impact will be absorved by the explained variable located in the same point of the regressor whose value has been changed (for example, the k-th regresor in the g-th equation, in the n-th spatial unit) or, in other words, we expect that [dytgn]/[dxktgn]ne0[d y_{tgn}]/[d x_{ktgn}] ne 0. The aggregated average for the N points in space (n=1,2,...,N) and Tm time periods is the so-called Direct effect. The difference between the Total effect and the Direct effect measures the portion of the impact on the explained variable that leakes to other points in space, [dytgn]/[dxktgm]fornnem[d y_{tgn}]/[d x_{ktgm}] for n ne m; this is the Indirect effect.

impacts obtains the three multipliers together with an indirect measure of statistical significance, according to the randomization approach described in Lesage and Pace (2009). Briefly, they suggest to obtain a sequence of nsim random matrices of order (NTmxG) from a multivariate normal distribution N(0; Sigma), being Sigma the estimated covariance matrix of the G equations in the SUR model. These random matrices, combined with the observed values of the regressors and the estimated values of the parameters of the corresponding spatial SUR model, are used to obtain simulated values of the explained variables. Then, for each one of the nsim experiments, the SUR model is estimated, and the effects are evaluated. The function impacts obtains the standard deviations of the nsim estimated effects in the randomization procedure, which are used to test the significance of the estimated effects for the original data.

Finally, let us note that this is a SUR model where the G equations are connected only through the error terms. This means that if we intervene a regressor in equation g, in any point is space, only the explained variable of the same equation g should react. The impacts do not spill over equations. Moreover, the impact of a regressor, intervened in the spatial unit n, will cross the borders of this spatial unit only if in the right hand side of the equation there are spatial lags of the explained variables or of the regressors. In other words, the Indirect effect is zero for the "sim" and "sem" models. impacts produces no output for these two models. Lastly, it is clear that all the impacts are contemporaneous because the equations in the SUR model have no time dynamics.


A list of G objects either of class lagImpact or WXImpact.

For each of the G objects of the list, if no simulation is carried out the object returned is a list with:

direct numeric vector
indirect numeric vector
total numeric vector

and a matching Qres list attribute if Q was given.

On the other hand, for each of the G objects of the list, if simulation is carried out the object returned is a list with:

res a list with three components as for the non-simulation case, with a matching Qres list attribute if Q was given.
sres a list with three mcmc matrices, for the direct, indirect and total impacts with a matching Qmcmclist attribute if Q was given.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Bivand, R.S. and Piras G. (2015). Comparing Implementations of Estimation Methods for Spatial Econometrics. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(18), 1-36. <doi: 10.18637/jss.v063.i18>

  • LeSage, J., and Pace, R. K. (2009). Introduction to spatial econometrics. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

  • Lopez, F.A., Mur, J., and Angulo, A. (2014). Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. Annals of Regional Science, 53(1), 197-220. <doi:10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2>

  • Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010). Testing for spatial effects in seemingly unrelated regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(4), 399-440. <doi:10.1080/17421772.2010.516443>

See Also

impacts, spsurml, spsur3sls


## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_impactspsur, package="spsur")


#### Example 1: Spatial Phillips-Curve. Anselin (1988, p. 203)
 rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
 lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
 Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA
## For SLM, SDM and SARAR models the output is a list of "lagImpact" objects
## See spatialreg::impacts for details.
 spcsur_slm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slm", listw = lwspc)
 impacts_slm <- impactspsur(spcsur_slm, listw = lwspc, R = 1000)
## Impacts equation 1
 summary(impacts_slm[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
## Impacts equation 2
 summary(impacts_slm[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
## For SLX and SDEM models the output is a list of "WXImpact" objects
## See spatialreg::impacts for details.
## A SUR-SLX model
 spcsur_slx <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slx", listw = lwspc)
 impacts_slx <- impactspsur(spcsur_slx, listw = lwspc)
 summary(impacts_slx[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_slx[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)

## A SUR-SDM model
 spcsur_sdm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "sdm", listw = lwspc)
 impacts_sdm <- impactspsur(spcsur_sdm, listw = lwspc, R = 1000)
 summary(impacts_sdm[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_sdm[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
## A SUR-SDM model with different spatial lags in each equation
 TformulaD <- ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80
 spcsur_sdm2 <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "sdm", 
                       listw = lwspc, Durbin = TformulaD)
 impacts_sdm2 <- impactspsur(spcsur_sdm2, listw = lwspc, R = 1000)
 summary(impacts_sdm2[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_sdm2[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 ## A SUR-SLX model with different spatial lags in each equation
 spcsur_slx2 <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slx", listw = lwspc, Durbin = TformulaD)
 impacts_slx2 <- impactspsur(spcsur_slx2, listw = lwspc)
 summary(impacts_slx2[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_slx2[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
### A SUR-SDEM model
 spcsur_sdem <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "sdem", listw = lwspc)
 impacts_sdem <- impactspsur(spcsur_sdem, listw = lwspc)
 summary(impacts_sdem[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_sdem[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)

### A SUR-SARAR model
 spcsur_sarar <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "sarar", listw = lwspc,
                      control = list(tol = 0.01))
 impacts_sarar <- impactspsur(spcsur_sarar, listw = lwspc, R = 1000)
 summary(impacts_sarar[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_sarar[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
## A SUR-GNM model
 spcsur_gnm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "gnm", listw = lwspc,
                      control = list(tol = 0.1))
 impacts_gnm <- impactspsur(spcsur_gnm, listw = lwspc, R = 1000)
 summary(impacts_gnm[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_gnm[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
## A SUR-GNM model with different spatial lags in each equation
 TformulaD <- ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80
 spcsur_gnm2 <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "gnm", 
                       listw = lwspc, Durbin = TformulaD,
                       control = list(tol = 0.1))
 impacts_gnm2 <- impactspsur(spcsur_gnm2, listw = lwspc, R = 1000)
 summary(impacts_gnm2[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_gnm2[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
# ####################################
# ######## G=1; Tm>1               ###
# ####################################
 rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
 data(NCOVR, package="spsur")
 nbncovr <- spdep::poly2nb(NCOVR.sf, queen = TRUE)
### Some regions with no links...
 lwncovr <- spdep::nb2listw(nbncovr, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
 Tformula <- HR80  | HR90 ~ PS80 + UE80 | PS90 + UE90
### A SUR-SLM model
 NCOVRSUR_slm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                        type = "slm", listw = lwncovr, 
                        method = "Matrix", zero.policy = TRUE, 
                        control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
### Use of trW to compute.
 Wncovr <- as(spdep::listw2mat(lwncovr), "CsparseMatrix")
 trwncovr <- spatialreg::trW(Wncovr, type = "MC")
 impacts_NCOVRSUR_slm <- impactspsur(NCOVRSUR_slm, tr = trwncovr,
                                 R = 1000)
 summary(impacts_NCOVRSUR_slm[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_NCOVRSUR_slm[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
### A SUR-SDM model
 NCOVRSUR_sdm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                        type = "sdm", listw = lwncovr, 
                        method = "Matrix", zero.policy = TRUE, 
                        control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
 impacts_NCOVRSUR_sdm <- impactspsur(NCOVRSUR_sdm, tr = trwncovr,
                                 R = 1000)
 summary(impacts_NCOVRSUR_sdm[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
 summary(impacts_NCOVRSUR_sdm[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)

Testing for the presence of spatial effects in Seemingly Unrelated Regressions


The function spsurml reports a collection of Lagrange Multipliers designed to test for the presence of different forms of spatial dependence in a SUR model of the "sim" type. That is, the approach of this function is from 'specific to general'. As said, the model of the null hypothesis is the "sim" model whereas the model of the alternative depends on the effect whose omission we want to test.

The collection of Lagrange Multipliers obtained by lmtestspsur are standard in the literature and take into account the multivariate nature of the SUR model. As a limitation, note that each Multiplier tests for the omission of the same spatial effects in all the cross-sections of the G equations.



## S3 method for class 'formula'
  time = NULL,
  Tm = 1,
  zero.policy = NULL,
  R = NULL,
  b = NULL,

## Default S3 method:
lmtestspsur(Y, X, G, N, Tm = 1, listw, p, R = NULL, b = NULL, ...)



further arguments passed to the method.


An object type Formula similar to objects created with the package Formula describing the equations to be estimated in the model. This model may contain several responses (explained variables) and a varying number of regressors in each equation.


An object of class data.frame or a matrix.


A listw object created for example by nb2listw from spatialreg package; if nb2listw not given, set to the same spatial weights as the listw argument. It can also be a spatial weighting matrix of order (NxN) instead of a listw object. Default = NULL.


A function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude with consequences for residuals and fitted values. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations.


time index for the spatial panel SUR data.


Number of time periods.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. If TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA - causing spsurml() to terminate with an error. Default = NULL.


A row vector of order (1xpr) with the set of r linear constraints on the beta parameters. The first restriction appears in the first p terms, the second restriction in the next p terms and so on. Default = NULL.


A column vector of order (rx1) with the values of the linear restrictions on the beta parameters. Default = NULL.


A column vector of order (NTmGx1), with the observations of the explained variables. The ordering of the data must be (first) equation, (second) time dimension and (third) cross-sectional/spatial units. The specification of Y is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame. Default = NULL.


A data matrix of order (NTmGxp) with the observations of the regressors. The number of covariates in the SUR model is p = sum(pg)sum(p_{g}) where pgp_{g} is the number of regressors (including the intercept) in the g-th equation, g = 1,...,G). The specification of "X" is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame. Default = NULL.


Number of equations.


Number of cross-section or spatial units


Number of regressors by equation, including the intercept. p can be a row vector of order (1xG), if the number of regressors is not the same for all the equations, or a scalar, if the G equations have the same number of regressors. The specification of p is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame.


lmtestspsur tests for the omission of spatial effects in the "sim" version of the SUR model:

ytg=Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}

E[utguth]=σghINE[utgush]=0 if tnesE[u_{tg}u_{th}']= \sigma_{gh}I_{N} \quad E[u_{tg}u_{sh}']= 0 \mbox{ if } t ne s

where ytgy_{tg} and utgu_{tg} are (Nx1) vectors, corresponding to the g-th equation and time period t; XtgX_{tg} is the matrix of exogenous variables, of order (Nxpg)(Nxp_{g}). Moreover, βg\beta_{g} is an unknown (pgx1)(p_{g}x1) vector of coefficients and σghIN\sigma_{gh}I_{N} the covariance between equations g and h, being σgh\sigma_{gh} and scalar and INI_{N} the identity matrix of orden N.

The Lagrange Multipliers reported by this function are the followings:

  • LM-SUR-LAG: Tests for the omission of a spatial lag of the explained variable in the right hand side of the "sim" equation. The model of the alternative is:

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = \rho_{g}Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}

    The null and alternative hypotheses are:

    H0:ρg=0(forallg)H_{0}: \rho_{g}=0 (forall g) vs HA:ρgne0(existg)H_{A}: \rho_{g} ne 0 (exist g)

  • LM-SUR-ERR: Tests for the omission of spatial dependence in the equation of the errors of the "sim" model. The model of the alternative is:

    ytg=Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}; utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg}= \lambda_{g}Wu_{tg}+\epsilon_{tg}

    The null and alternative hypotheses are:

    H0:λg=0(forallg)H_{0}: \lambda_{g}=0 (forall g) vs HA:λgne0(existg)H_{A}: \lambda_{g} ne 0 (exist g)

  • LM-SUR-SARAR: Tests for the simultaneous omission of a spatial lag of the explained variable in the right hand side of the "sim" equation and spatial dependence in the equation of the errors. The model of the alternative is:

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = \rho_{g}Wy_{tg}+X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}; utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg}= \lambda_{g}Wu_{tg}+\epsilon_{tg}

    The null and alternative hypotheses are:

    H0:ρg=λg=0(forallg)H_{0}: \rho_{g}=\lambda_{g}=0 (forall g) vs HA:ρgne0orλgne0(existg)H_{A}: \rho_{g} ne 0 or \lambda_{g} ne 0 (exist g)

  • LM*-SUR-SLM and LM*-SUR-SEM: These two test are the robustifyed version of the original, raw Multipliers, LM-SUR-SLM and LM-SUR-SEM, which can be severely oversized if the respective alternative hypothesis is misspeficied (this would be the case if, for example, we are testing for omitted lags of the explained variable whereas the problem is that there is spatial dependence in the errors, or viceversa). The null and alternative hypotheses of both test are totally analogous to their twin non robust Multipliers.


A list of htest objects each one including the Wald statistic, the corresponding p-value and the degrees of freedom.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010). Testing for spatial effects in seemingly unrelated regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(4), 399-440. <doi:10.1080/17421772.2010.516443>

  • Lopez, F.A., Mur, J., and Angulo, A. (2014). Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. Annals of Regional Science, 53(1), 197-220. <doi:10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2>

  • Anselin, L. (1988) A test for spatial autocorrelation in seemingly unrelated regressions Economics Letters 28(4), 335-341. <doi:10.1016/0165-1765(88)90009-2>

  • Anselin, L. (1988) Spatial econometrics: methods and models Chap. 9 Dordrecht

  • Anselin, L. (2016) Estimation and Testing in the Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR). Geoda Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, Arizona State University. Working Paper 2016-01. <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.15925.40163>

See Also

spsurml, anova


######## CROSS SECTION DATA (G>1; Tm=1) # #######

#### Example 1: Spatial Phillips-Curve. Anselin (1988, p. 203)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA
lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
lmtestspsur(formula = Tformula, data = spc, listw = lwspc)

## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_lmtestspsur, package="spsur")

######## PANEL DATA (G>1; Tm>1)          ########

#### Example 2: Homicides & Socio-Economics (1960-90)
# Homicides and selected socio-economic characteristics for
# continental U.S. counties.
# Data for four decennial census years: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990.
data(NCOVR, package="spsur")
nbncovr <- spdep::poly2nb(NCOVR.sf, queen = TRUE)
### Some regions with no links...
lwncovr <- spdep::nb2listw(nbncovr, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
### With different number of exogenous variables in each equation
Tformula <- HR70 | HR80  | HR90 ~ PS70 + UE70 | PS80 + UE80 +RD80 |
            PS90 + UE90 + RD90 + PO90
lmtestspsur(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
            listw = lwncovr)

######### PANEL DATA: TEMPORAL CORRELATIONS (G=1; Tm>1) ########

##### Example 3: NCOVR in panel data form
Year <- as.numeric(kronecker(c(1960,1970,1980,1990), 
                   matrix(1,nrow = dim(NCOVR.sf)[1])))
HR <- c(NCOVR.sf$HR60,NCOVR.sf$HR70,NCOVR.sf$HR80,NCOVR.sf$HR90)
PS <- c(NCOVR.sf$PS60,NCOVR.sf$PS70,NCOVR.sf$PS80,NCOVR.sf$PS90)
UE <- c(NCOVR.sf$UE60,NCOVR.sf$UE70,NCOVR.sf$UE80,NCOVR.sf$UE90)
NCOVRpanel <-,HR,PS,UE))
Tformula <- HR ~ PS + UE
lmtestspsur(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVRpanel, time = Year, 
listw = lwncovr)

Likelihood ratio for testing homogeneity constraints on beta coefficients of the SUR equations.


Function lr_betas obtains a Likelihood Ratio test, LR in what follows, with the purpose of testing if some of the β\beta coefficients in the G equations of the SUR model are equal. This function has a straightforward application, especially when G=1G=1, to the case of testing for the existence of structural breaks in the β\beta parameters.

The function can test for the homogeneity of only one coefficient, of a few of them or even the homogeneity of all the slope terms. The testing procedure implies, first, the estimation of both a constrained and a unconstrained model and, second, the comparison of the log-likelihoods to compute the LR statistics.

@usage lr_betas (obj, R, b)


lr_betas(obj, R, b)



An spsur object created by spsurml, spsur3sls or spsurtime.


A row vector of order (1xPr)(1xPr) showing the set of r linear constraints on the β\beta parameters. The first restriction appears in the first K terms in R, the second restriction in the next K terms and so on.


A column vector of order (rx1) with the values of the linear restrictions on the β\beta parameters.


Object of htest including the LR statistic, the corresponding p-value, the degrees of freedom and the values of the sample estimates.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010). Testing for spatial effects in seemingly unrelated regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(4), 399-440. <doi:10.1080/17421772.2010.516443>

See Also

spsurml, spsurtime, wald_betas


## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_lr_betas, package="spsur")

#' #################################################
######## CROSS SECTION DATA (G>1; Tm=1)  ########

#### Example 1: Spatial Phillips-Curve. Anselin (1988, p. 203)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA
### H0: equal beta for SMSA in both equations.
R <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1), nrow=1)
b <- matrix(0, ncol=1)
spcsur.slm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slm", listw = lwspc)
lr_betas(spcsur.slm, R = R, b = b)

### Estimate restricted SUR-SLM model
spcsur.slmr <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slm", listw = lwspc,
                      R = R, b = b)
######## PANEL DATA (G>1; Tm>1)          ########

##### Example 2: Homicides + Socio-Economics (1960-90)
## Homicides and selected socio-economic characteristics for continental
## U.S. counties.
## Data for four decennial census years: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990.
## \url{}
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
data(NCOVR, package="spsur")
nbncovr <- spdep::poly2nb(NCOVR.sf, queen = TRUE)
### Some regions with no links...
lwncovr <- spdep::nb2listw(nbncovr, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
Tformula <- HR80  | HR90 ~ PS80 + UE80 | PS90 + UE90
### H0: equal beta for PS80 and PS90 in both equations.
NCOVRSUR.slm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                       type = "slm", listw = lwncovr,
                       method = "LU", zero.policy = TRUE, 
                       control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
R <- matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0), nrow = 1)
b <- matrix(0, ncol = 1)
lr_betas(NCOVRSUR.slm, R = R, b = b)
### Restricted model
NCOVRSUR.slmr <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                       type = "slm", listw = lwncovr,
                       method = "LU", zero.policy = TRUE, 
                       control = list(fdHess = TRUE),
                       R = R, b = b)
######### PANEL DATA: TEMPORAL CORRELATIONS (nG=1; nT>1) ########
### Example 3: with classical panel data set. Database is
###            a spatio-temporal panel

N <- nrow(NCOVR.sf)
Tm <- 4
index_time <- rep(1:Tm, each = N)
index_indiv <- rep(1:N, Tm)
pHR <- c(NCOVR.sf$HR60, NCOVR.sf$HR70, NCOVR.sf$HR80, NCOVR.sf$HR90)
pPS <- c(NCOVR.sf$PS60, NCOVR.sf$PS70, NCOVR.sf$PS80, NCOVR.sf$PS90)
pUE <- c(NCOVR.sf$UE60, NCOVR.sf$UE70, NCOVR.sf$UE80, NCOVR.sf$UE90)
pNCOVR <- data.frame(indiv = index_indiv, time = index_time,
                     HR = pHR, PS = pPS, UE = pUE)
form_pHR <- HR ~ PS + UE
## H0: equal PS beta coefficient in equations 1, 3, and 4
## Fit with spsurtime and fit_method = "ml"...
pHR.slm <-spsurtime(formula = form_pHR, data = pNCOVR,
                    time = pNCOVR$time, 
                    type = "slm", listw = lwncovr,
                    zero.policy = TRUE,
                    fit_method = "ml", method = "LU", 
                    control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
### H0: equal betas for PS in equations 1, 3 and 4.
R <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 12) 
## nrow = number of restrictions 
## ncol = number of beta parameters
R[1, 2] <- 1; R[1, 8] <- -1 # PS beta coefficient in equations 1 equal to 3
R[2, 2] <- 1; R[2, 11] <- -1 # PS beta coefficient in equations 1 equal to 4
b <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)
lr_betas(pHR.slm, R = R, b = b)

Likelihood Ratio tests for the specification of spatial SUR models.


The function computes a set of Likelihood Ratio tests, LR, that help the user to select the spatial structure of the SUR model. To achieve this goal, lrtestspsur needs to estimate the nested SUR models (options: "sim", "slx", "slm", "sem", "sdm", "sdem", and "sarar"), using the function spsurml.

The nested models listed above are compared using ANOVA tables and LR tests.


lrtestspsur (objectr,  objectu = NULL)



An spsur object created by spsurml, spsur3sls or spsurtime.


An spsur object created by spsurml, spsur3sls or spsurtime which nests objectr. Default = NULL


A fundamental result in maximum-likelihood estimation shows that if model A is nested in model B, by a set of n restrictions on the parameters of model B, then, as the sample size increases, the test statistic: 2log[l(H0)/l(HA)]-2log[l(H_{0}) / l(H_{A})] is a χ2(n)\chi^{2}(n), being l(H_0 the estimated likelihood under the null hypothesis (model A) and l(H_A the estimated likelihood under the alternative hypothesis (model B).

The list of (spatial) models that can be estimated with the function spsurml includes the following (in addition to the "slx" and "sdem"):

  • "sim": SUR model with no spatial effects

    ytg=Xtgβg+ϵtgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "slm": SUR model with spatial lags of the explained variables

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+ϵtgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "sem": SUR model with spatial errors

    ytg=Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} Wu_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "sdm": SUR model of the Spatial Durbin type

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xttβg+WXtgθg+ϵtgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tt} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "sarar": SUR model with spatial lags of the explained variables and spatial errors

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} W u_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

This collection of models can be compared, on objective bases, using the LR principle and the following nesting relations:

  • "sim" vs either "slx", slm", "sem", "sdm", "sarar"

  • "slm" vs either "sdm", "sarar"

  • "sem" vs either "sdm", "sdem", "sarar"

  • "slx" vs either "sdm", "sdem"


Object of anova class including, the list of models and, for each model, the logLik, degrees of freedom and AIC. If two nested models have been included as arguments, the corresponding LR-test and its p-value associated.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010). Testing for spatial effects in seemingly unrelated regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(4), 399-440.

  • Lopez, F.A., Mur, J., and Angulo, A. (2014). Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. Annals of Regional Science, 53(1), 197-220.

See Also

spsurml, lmtestspsur


######## CROSS SECTION DATA (nG=1; nT>1) ########

#### Example 1: Spatial Phillips-Curve. Anselin (1988, p. 203)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
data("spc", package = "spsur")
lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA
spcsur.slm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slm", listw = lwspc)
## ANOVA Table SLM model
## Test ANOVA SIM versus SLM
spcsur.sim <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "sim", listw = lwspc)
lrtestspsur(spcsur.sim, spcsur.slm)

## VIP: If you want to examine a particular example eliminate '#' and 
## execute the code of the example (they have been commented to 
## pass the checking time in CRAN)

## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_lrtestspsur, package="spsur")

## Test ANOVA SLM vs SDM
#spcsur.sdm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
#                      type = "sdm", listw = lwspc)
#lrtestspsur(spcsur.slm, spcsur.sdm)
## Test ANOVA SEM vs SDM
#spcsur.sem <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
#                      type = "sem", listw = lwspc)
#lrtestspsur(spcsur.sem, spcsur.sdm)

Methods for class spsur


The anova() function provides tables of fitted spsur models including information criteria (AIC and BIC), log-likelihood and degrees of freedom of each fitted model. The argument lrtest allows to perform LR tests between nested models. The plot() function allows the user to plot both beta and spatial coefficients for all equations of the spsur model. The argument viewplot is used to choose between interactive or non-interactive plots. The print() function is used to print short tables including the values of beta and spatial coefficients as well as p-values of significance test for each coefficient. This can be used as an alternative to summary.spsur when a brief output is needed. The rest of methods works in the usual way.


## S3 method for class 'spsur'
anova(object, ..., lrtest = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'spsur'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'spsur'
fitted(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'spsur'
logLik(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'spsur'
residuals(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'spsur'
vcov(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'spsur'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)

## S3 method for class 'spsur'
plot(x, ci = 0.95, viewplot = TRUE, ...)



a spsur object created by spsurml, spsur3sls or spsurtime.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


logical value to compute likelihood ratio test for nested models in 'anova' method. Default = TRUE


similar to object argument for print() and plot functions.


number of digits to show in printed tables. Default: max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L).


confidence level for the intervals in 'plot' method. Default ci = 0.95


logical value to show interactively the plots. Default = TRUE


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA
spcsur.sim <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "sim")
## Print Table       

spcsur.slm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "slm", 
                     listw = Wspc)
# ANOVA table and LR test for nested models:
anova(spcsur.sim, spcsur.slm)
## Plot spatial and beta coefficients
# Interactive plot
# Non-interactive plot
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.slm, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

Homicides in U.S. counties


Homicides and selected socio-economic characteristics for continental U.S. counties. Data for four decennial census years: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990.




An spatial feature (sf) object with 3085 rows and 41 variables:


County coded as a name (factor)


state fips code (factor)


state fips code (factor)


dummy variable for Southern counties (South = 1)

HR60, HR70, HR80, HR90

homicide rate per 100,000 (1960, 1970, 1980, 1990)

HC60, HC70, HC80, HC90

homicide count, three year average centered on 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990

PO60, PO70, PO80, PO90

county population, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990

RD60, RD70, RD80, RD90

resource deprivation 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 (principal component, see Codebook for details)

PS60, PS70, PS80, PS90

population structure 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 (principal component, see Codebook for details)

UE60, UE70, UE80, UE90

unemployment rate 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990

DV60, DV70, DV80, DV90

divorce rate 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 (% males over 14 divorced)

MA60, MA70, MA80, MA90

median age 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990

FP59, FP69, FP79, FP89

% families below poverty 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 (see Codebook for details)


Multipolygon geometry of the spatial feature object


S. Messner, L. Anselin, D. Hawkins, G. Deane, S. Tolnay, R. Baller (2000). An Atlas of the Spatial Patterning of County-Level Homicide, 1960-1990. Pittsburgh, PA, National Consortium on Violence Research (NCOVR)


  • Baller, R., L. Anselin, S. Messner, G. Deane and D. Hawkins (2001). Structural covariates of US county homicide rates: incorporating spatial effects. Criminology 39, 561-590.

Print method for objects of class summary.spsur.


Print method for objects of class summary.spsur.


## S3 method for class 'summary.spsur'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



object of class summary.spsur.


number of digits to show in printed tables. Default: max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L).


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]

See Also



# See examples for \code{\link{spsurml}} or
 # \code{\link{spsur3sls}} functions.

Within/Exit mobility index and incidence COVID-19 at Spain provinces


Weekly within/exit mobility indices and COVID-19 incidence in Spain at provincial level. A total of 17 weeks from February 21 to May 21. Every week starts on a Friday and ends on the following Thursday. All travels are expressed with respect to the pre-COVID week of February 14th-20th, 2020 (week0). A value lower than 1 indicate a reduction of the mobility. Upper values than 1 indicate an increase in the mobility with respect to the reference week (week0).




A data frame with 850 rows and 11 variables:


Province name coded as a factor


Province coded as a number


Number of week afther pre-COVID (week0: February 14th-20th, 2020). time=1 (week1, February 21th-27th); time=2 (week2,February 28th-March 5th);....


Mobility index within of the province. See details for a formal definition


Mobility index of exits of the province. See details for a formal definition


Dummy variable. 1 if the Emergence State ("Estado de Alarma") is active in the week "time" but economic activity of essential services are allowed. 0 in anoter case. The Emergence State was active in Spain from February 14th, 2020 to May 21th, 2020


Dummy variable. 1 if the Emergence State ("Estado de Alarma") is active in the week "time" and economic activity of essential services are not allowed. 0 in anoter case


Percentage of population aged 65 and older in the province


Inhabitants (in thousands) per km^2 in the province


Percentage of firms in the province "indiv" with essential activities (food, health) over the total of firms in the province "indiv" in the province (e.g., food, heath and some economic subsectors of industry and construction)


Weekly incidence in the week "time-1" in logs


  • Mobility

    The mobility indices Within and Exits has been obtain as ratio of the total number of weekly travels in reference to the total number of travels in the week of reference (week0).
    In particular,

    Within=Number of travels within the province ’indiv’ in the week ’time’Number of travels within the province ’indiv’ in the reference week (week0)Within = \frac{\textnormal{Number of travels within the province 'indiv' in the week 'time'}} {\textnormal{Number of travels within the province 'indiv' in the reference week (week0)}}

    Exits = \frac{ \begin{tabular}{c} \textnormal{Number of travels with origin in the province 'indiv' and arrival to another} \\ \textnormal{province in the week 'time'} \end{tabular} } { \begin{tabular}{c} \textnormal{Number of travels with origin in the province 'indiv' and arrival to another} \\ \textnormal{province in the reference week (week0)} \end{tabular} }

    A ‘travel’ is a displacement from an origin to a destination of at least 500m. A travel can have several stages. These stages of the same travel are calculated based on the duration of the intermediate stop. For example , if I move from origin A to destination B with a stop at a point C of long duration, it is considered two travels, but if the stop is short, it is considered a single travel. For example, I can go by train from Madrid to Alicante, and there takes a bus to Benidorm. The travel will be one (Madrid-Benidorm). If I do the same but the stop in Alicante is long (or an overnight stay, for example), two travels will be considered (Madrid-Alicante, and Alicante-Benidorm). Similarly, if I go by car from Madrid to Alicante and stop for 15 minutes to take a coffee, it is also considered only one travel and not two. The travels considered in this study are always from 500m, due to the limitation of source data that is based on mobile telephony and its antennas. But one travel can be 600 meters or 600km.

  • Incidence

    Incidence = \log \left( \frac{ \begin{tabular}{c} \textnormal{total diagnostic cases of COVID-19, PCR test in the week 'time'} \\ \textnormal{at the province 'indiv'} \end{tabular} } {\textnormal{total population in the province 'indiv'}} \right)

  • Essential activities

    Essential activities. Economic activities whose activities are essential for the population. By example, essential activities are healthcare, food supply, State security, media and communication, refuse collection, management and public transport, etc. Non essential activities are by example, restaurants, hotels, hairdressers, etc. A full list in the Spanish official bulletin


Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Spain Government.
The National Statistics Institute
Instituto de Salud Carlos III

Spain geometry


A sf object with the Spanish geometry




A sf object with the Spanish geometry


province name coded as a factor


province coded as a number

A classical Spatial Phillips-Curve


A data set from Anselin (1988, p. 203-2011) used to estimate a Spatial Phillips-Curve for 25 counties in South-West Ohio for two time periods (1981 and 1983).




A data frame with 25 rows and 10 variables:


County coded as a name.


Changes in wage rates for 1983.


Inverse unemployment rate in 1983.


Net migration rate 1983.


Dummy variable to identify counties defined as Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA = 1).


Changes in wage rates for 1982.


Changes in wage rates for 1981.


Inverse unemployment rate in 1980.


Net migration rate 1983.


changes in wage rates.


Anselin (1988, p. 203-211)


  • Anselin, L. (1988). Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models. Springer Science & Business Media.

Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models.


spsur offers the user a collection of functions to estimate Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) models by maximum likelihood or three-stage least squares, using spatial instrumental variables. Moreover, spsur obtains a collection of misspecification tests for omitted or wrongly specified spatial structure. The user will find spatial models more popular in applied research such as the SUR-SLX, SUR-SLM, SUR-SEM, SUR-SDM, SUR-SDEM SUR-SARAR and SUR-GNM plus the spatially independent SUR, or SUR-SIM.


Some functionalities that have been included in spsur package are:

1. Testing for spatial effects

The function lmtestspsur provides a collection of Lagrange Multipliers, LM, for testing different forms of spatial dependence in SUR models. They are extended versions of the well-known LM tests for omitted lags of the explained variable in the right hand side of the equation, LM-SLM, the LM tests for omitted spatial errors, LM-SEM, the join test of omitted spatial lags and spatial errors, LM-SARAR, and the robust version of the firt two Lagrange Multipliers, LM*-SLM and LM*-SEM.
These tests can be applied to models always with a SUR nature. Roughly, we may distinguish two situations:

  • Datasets with a single equation G=1, for different time periods Tm>1 and a certain number of spatial units in the cross-sectional dimension, N. This is what we call spatial panel datasets. In this case, the SUR structure appears in form of (intra) serial dependence in the errors of each spatial unit.

  • Datasets with a several equations G>1, different time periods Tm>1 and a certain number of spatial units, N. The SUR structure appears, as usual, because the errors of the spatial units for different equations are contemporaneously correlated.

2. Estimation of the Spatial SUR models

As indicated above, spsur package may work with a list of different spatial specifications. They are the following:

  • SUR-SIM: SUR model without spatial effects

    ytg=Xtgβg+ϵtgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • SUR-SLX: SUR model with spatial lags of the regresors

    ytg=Xtgβg+WXtgθg+ϵtgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • SUR-SLM: SUR model with spatial lags of the endogenous

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+ϵtgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • SUR-SEM: SUR model with spatial errors

    ytg=Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} Wu_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • SUR-SDM: SUR model with spatial lags of the endogenous variable and of the regressors or Spatial Durbin model

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+WXtgθg+ϵtgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • SUR-SDEM: SUR model with spatial errors and spatial lags of the endogenous variable and of the regressors

    ytg=Xtgβg+WXtgθg+utgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} W u_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • SUR-SARAR: Spatial lag model with spatial errors

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} W u_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • SUR-GNM: SUR model with spatial lags of the explained variables, regressors and spatial errors

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+WXtgθg+utgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} W u_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

where ytgy_{tg}, utgu_{tg} and ϵtg\epsilon_{tg} are (Nx1) vectors; XtgX_{tg} is a matrix of regressors of order (NxP); ρg\rho_{g} and λg\lambda_{g} are parameters of spatial dependence and W is the (NxN) spatial weighting matrix.

These specifications can be estimated by maximum-likelihood methods, using the function spsurml. Moroever, the models that include spatial lags of the explained variables in the right hand side of the equations, and the errors are assumed to be spatially incorrelated (namely, the SUR-SLM and the SUR-SDM), can also be estimated using three-stage least-squares, spsur3sls, using spatial instrumental variable to correct for the problem of endogeneity present in these cases.

3. Diagnostic tests

Testing for inconsistencies or misspecifications in the results of an estimated (SUR) model should be a primary task for the user. spsur focuses, especifically, on two main question such as omitted or wrongly specified spatial structure and the existence of structural breaks or relevant restrictions in the parameters of the model. In this sense, the user will find:

  1. Marginal tests
    The Marginal Multipliers test for omitted or wrongly specified spatial structure in the equations. They are routinely part of the output of the maximum-likelihood estimation, shown by spsurml. In particular, the LM(ρ\rho|λ\lambda) tests for omitted spatial lags in a model specified with spatial errors (SUR-SEM; SUR-SDEM). The LM(λ\lambda|ρ\rho) tests for omitted spatial error in a model specified with spatial lags of the explained variable (SUR-SLM; SUR-SDM).

  2. Coefficients stability tests
    spsur includes two functions designed to test for linear restrictions on the β\beta coefficients of the models and on the spatial coefficients (ρ\rhos and λ\lambdas terms). The function for the first case is wald_betas and wald_deltas that of the second case. The user has ample flexibility to define different forms of linear restrictions, so that it is possible, for example, to test for their time constancy to identify structural breaks.

4. Marginal effects

In recent years, since the publication of LeSage and Pace (2009), it has become popular in spatial econometrics to evaluate the multiplier effects that a change in the value of a regressor, in a point in the space, has on the explained variable. spsur includes a function, impacts, that computes these effects. Specifically, impacts obtains the average, over the N spatial units and Tm time periods, of such a change on the contemporaneous value of the explained variable located in the same point as the modified variable. This is the so-called Average Direct effect. The Average Indirect effect measure the proportion of the impact that spills-over to other locations. The sum of the two effects is the Average Total effect.
These estimates are complemented with a measure of statistical significance, following the randomization approach suggested by LeSage and Pace (2009).

5. Additional functionalities

A particular feature of spsur is that the package allows to obtain simulated datasets with a SUR nature and the spatial structure decided by the user. This is the purpose of the function dgp_spsur. The function can be inserted into a more general code to solve, for example, Monte Carlo studies related to these type of models or, simply, to show some of the stylized characteristics of a SUR model with certain spatial structure.


spsur includes three different datasets: spc, NCOVR and spain.covid. These sets are used to illustrate the capabilities of different functions. Briefly, their main characteristics are the following

  • The spc dataset (Spatial Phillips-Curve) is a classical dataset taken from Anselin (1988, p. 203), of small dimensions.

  • The NCOVR dataset comprises Homicides and a list of selected socio-economic variables for continental U.S. counties in four decennial census years: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990. It is freely available from NCOVR is a typical spatial panel dataset (G=1).

  • The spain.covid dataset comprises Within and Exit mobility index together with the weeklly incidence COVID-19 at Spain provinces from February 21 to May 21 2020.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Breusch T, Pagan A (1980). The Lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics. Review of Economic Studies 47: 239-254.

  • LeSage, J., and Pace, R. K. (2009). Introduction to spatial econometrics. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

  • Lopez, F.A., Mur, J., and Angulo, A. (2014). Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. Annals of Regional Science, 53(1), 197-220. <doi:10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2>

  • Lopez, F.A., Martinez-Ortiz, P.J., and Cegarra-Navarro, J.G. (2017). Spatial spillovers in public expenditure on a municipal level in Spain. Annals of Regional Science, 58(1), 39-65. <doi:10.1007/s00168-016-0780-7>

  • Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010). Testing for spatial effects in seemingly unrelated regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(4), 399-440. <doi:10.1080/17421772.2010.516443>

Three Stages Least Squares estimation,3sls, of spatial SUR models.


The function estimates spatial SUR models using three stages least squares, where the instruments are obtained from the spatial lags of the X variables, assumed to be exogenous. The number of equations, time periods and spatial units is not restricted. The user can choose between a Spatial Durbin Model or a Spatial Lag Model, as described below. The estimation procedure allows for the introduction of linear restrictions on the β\beta parameters associated to the regressors.


spsur3sls (formula = NULL, data = NULL, na.action,
                  R = NULL, b = NULL, listw = NULL, 
                  zero.policy = NULL, X= NULL, Y = NULL, G = NULL, 
                  N = NULL, Tm = NULL, p = NULL,  
                  type = "slm", Durbin = NULL, maxlagW = NULL,
                  trace = TRUE)



An object type Formula similar to objects created with the package Formula describing the equations to be estimated in the model. This model may contain several responses (explained variables) and a varying number of regressors in each equation.


An object of class data.frame or a matrix.


A function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude with consequences for residuals and fitted values. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations.


A row vector of order (1xpr) with the set of r linear constraints on the beta parameters. The first restriction appears in the first p terms, the second restriction in the next p terms and so on. Default = NULL.


A column vector of order (rx1) with the values of the linear restrictions on the beta parameters. Default = NULL.


A listw object created for example by nb2listw from spatialreg package; if nb2listw not given, set to the same spatial weights as the listw argument. It can also be a spatial weighting matrix of order (NxN) instead of a listw object. Default = NULL.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. If TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA - causing spsurml() to terminate with an error. Default = NULL.


A data matrix of order (NTmGxp) with the observations of the regressors. The number of covariates in the SUR model is p = sum(pg)sum(p_{g}) where pgp_{g} is the number of regressors (including the intercept) in the g-th equation, g = 1,...,G). The specification of "X" is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame. Default = NULL.


A column vector of order (NTmGx1), with the observations of the explained variables. The ordering of the data must be (first) equation, (second) time dimension and (third) cross-sectional/spatial units. The specification of Y is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame. Default = NULL.


Number of equations.


Number of cross-section or spatial units


Number of time periods.


Number of regressors by equation, including the intercept. p can be a row vector of order (1xG), if the number of regressors is not the same for all the equations, or a scalar, if the G equations have the same number of regressors. The specification of p is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame.


Type of spatial model, restricted to cases where lags of the explained variable appear in the rigth hand side of the equations. There are two possibilities: "slm" or "sdm". Default = "slm".


If a formula object and model is type "sdm" the subset of explanatory variables to lag for each equation.


Maximum spatial lag order of the regressors employed to produce spatial instruments for the spatial lags of the explained variables. Default = 2. Note that in case of type="sdm", the default value for maxlagW is set to 3 because the first lag of the regressors, WXtgWX_{tg}, can not be used as spatial instruments.


A logical value to show intermediate results during the estimation process. Default = TRUE.


spsur3sls can be used to estimate two groups of spatial models:

  • "slm": SUR model with spatial lags of the endogenous in the right hand side of the equations

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+ϵtgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "sdm": SUR model of the Spatial Durbin type

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+WXtgθg+ϵtgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

where ytgy_{tg} and ϵtg\epsilon_{tg} are (Nx1) vectors, corresponding to the g-th equation and time period t; XtgX_{tg} is the matrix of regressors, of order (Nxp_g). Moreover, ρg\rho_{g} is a spatial coefficient and W is a (NxN) spatial weighting matrix.

By default, the input of this function is an object created with Formula and a data frame. However, spsur3sls also allows for the direct specification of vector Y and matrix X, with the explained variables and regressors respectively, as inputs (these terms may be the result, for example, of dgp_spsur).

spsur3sls is a Least-Squares procedure in three-stages designed to circumvent the endogeneity problems due to the presence of spatial lags of the explained variable in the right hand side of the equations do the SUR. The instruments are produced internally by spsur3sls using a sequence of spatial lags of the X variables, which are assumed to be exogenous. The user must define the number of (spatial) instruments to be used in the procedure, through the argument maxlagW (i.e. maxlagW = 3). Then, the collection of instruments generated is [WXtg;WWXtg;WWWXtg][WX_{tg}; W*WX_{tg}; W*W*WX_{tg}]. In the case of a SDM, the first lag of the X matrix already is in the equation and cannot be used as instrument. In the example above, the list of instruments for a SDM model would be [W2Xtg;W3Xtg][W^{2}X_{tg}; W^{3}X_{tg}].

The first stage of the procedure consists in the least squares of the Y variables on the set of instruments. From this estimation, the procedure retains the estimates of Y in the so-called Yls variables. In the second stage, the Y variables that appear in the right hand side of the equation are substituted by Yls and the SUR model is estimated by Least Squares. The third stage improves the estimates of the second stage through a Feasible Generalized Least Squares estimation of the parameters of the model, using the residuals of the second stage to estimate the Sigma matrix.

The arguments R and b allows to introduce linear restrictions on the beta coefficients of the G equations. spsur3sls, first, introduces the linear restrictions in the SUR model and builds, internally, the corresponding constrained SUR model. Then, the function estimates the restricted model which is shown in the output. The function does not compute the unconstrained model nor test for the linear restrictions. The user may ask for the unconstrained estimation using another spsurml estimation. Moreover, the function wald_betas obtains the Wald test of a set of linear restrictions for an object created previously by spsurml or spsur3sls.


Object of spsur class with the output of the three-stages least-squares estimation of the specified spatial model. A list with:

call Matched call.
type Type of model specified.
Durbin Value of Durbin argument.
coefficients Estimated coefficients for the regressors.
deltas Estimated spatial coefficients. Estimated standard errors for the estimates of β\beta coefficients. Estimated standard errors for the estimates of the spatial coefficients.
resvar Estimated covariance matrix for the estimates of beta's and spatial coefficients.
R2 Coefficient of determination for each equation, obtained as the squared of the correlation coefficient between the corresponding explained variable and its estimates. spsur3sls also shows a global coefficient of determination obtained, in the same manner, for the set of G equations.
Sigma Estimated covariance matrix for the residuals of the G equations.
residuals Residuals of the model.
df.residuals Degrees of freedom for the residuals.
fitted.values Estimated values for the dependent variables.
G Number of equations.
N Number of cross-sections or spatial units.
Tm Number of time periods.
p Number of regressors by equation (including intercepts).
Y If data is NULL, vector Y of the explained variables of the SUR model.
X If data is NULL, matrix X of the regressors of the SUR model.
W Spatial weighting matrix.
zero.policy Logical value of zero.policy .
listw_style Style of neighborhood matrix W.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Lopez, F. A., Minguez, R., Mur, J. (2020). ML versus IV estimates of spatial SUR models: evidence from the case of Airbnb in Madrid urban area. The Annals of Regional Science, 64(2), 313-347. <doi:10.1007/s00168-019-00914-1>

  • Anselin, L. (2016) Estimation and Testing in the Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR). Geoda Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, Arizona State University. Working Paper 2016-01. <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.15925.40163>

  • , Anselin, L. (1988). Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (p. 146).

  • Anselin, L., Le Gallo, J., Hubert J. (2008) Spatial Panel Econometrics. In The econometrics of panel data. Fundamentals and recent developments in theory and practice. (Chap 19, p. 653)

See Also

spsurml, stsls, wald_betas


######## CLASSIC PANEL DATA (G=1; Tm>1)  ########

#### Example 1: Spatial Phillips-Curve. Anselin (1988, p. 203)
## A SUR model without spatial effects
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA

## A SUR-SLM model (3SLS Estimation)
spcsur_slm_3sls <-spsur3sls(formula = Tformula, data = spc,
                            type = "slm", listw = lwspc)

if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur_slm_3sls, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_spsur3sls, package="spsur")

## A SUR-SDM model (3SLS Estimation)
spcsur_sdm_3sls <- spsur3sls(formula = Tformula, data = spc,
                             type = "sdm", listw = lwspc)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur_sdm_3sls, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

## A SUR-SDM model with different spatial lags in each equation
 TformulaD <-  ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80  
 spcsur_sdm2_3sls <-spsur3sls(formula = Tformula, data = spc,
                             type = "sdm", listw = lwspc,
                             Durbin = TformulaD)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur_sdm2_3sls, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)


#### Example 3: Homicides + Socio-Economics (1960-90)
# Homicides and selected socio-economic characteristics for continental
# U.S. counties.
# Data for four decennial census years: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990.

rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
data(NCOVR, package = "spsur")
nbncovr <- spdep::poly2nb(NCOVR.sf, queen = TRUE)
## Some regions with no links...
lwncovr <- spdep::nb2listw(nbncovr, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
Tformula <- HR80  | HR90 ~ PS80 + UE80 | PS90 + UE90
## A SUR-SLM model
NCOVRSUR_slm_3sls <- spsur3sls(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                               type = "slm", zero.policy = TRUE,
                               listw = lwncovr, trace = FALSE)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(NCOVRSUR_slm_3sls, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

General Spatial 3SLS for systems of spatial equations.


The function estimates spatial SUR models using general spatial three stages least squares. This is a system instrumental variable procedure which also include GMM estimation when there is spatial correlations in the errors. The procedure allows for additional endogenous regressors in addition to spatial lags of the dependent variable. It could be applied to "slm", "sdm", "sem" and "sarar" spatial models. Furthermore, for non-spatial models including endogenous regressors ("iv"), it could be used to estimate using instrumental variables and Feasible Generalized Least Squares.


spsurgs3sls(formula = NULL, data = NULL, na.action,
                  listw = NULL, zero.policy = NULL, 
                  type = "slm", Durbin = FALSE,
                  endog = NULL, instruments = NULL,
                  lag.instr = FALSE, initial.value = 0.2, 
                  het = FALSE, trace = TRUE)



An object type Formula similar to objects created with the package Formula describing the equations to be estimated in the model. This model may contain several responses (explained variables) and a varying number of regressors in each equation.


An object of class data.frame or a matrix.


A function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude with consequences for residuals and fitted values. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations.


A listw object created for example by nb2listw from spatialreg package; if nb2listw not given, set to the same spatial weights as the listw argument. It can also be a spatial weighting matrix of order (NxN) instead of a listw object. Default = NULL.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. (NxN) instead of a listw object. Default = NULL.


Type of spatial model specification: "sim", "iv", "slm", "sem", "sdm" or "sarar" . Default = "slm".


If a formula object and model is type "sdm" the subset of explanatory variables to lag for each equation.


Additional endogenous variables. Default NULL. If not NULL should be specified as a Formula with no dependent variable. Examples: ~ x1 | x2 (x1 endogeous regressor for the first equation and x2 endogeneous regressor for the second equation) or ~ x1 | . (x1 endogenous regressor for the first equation and none endogenous regressors for the second equation)


external instruments. Default NULL. If not NULL should be specified as a formula with no dependent variable in the same way than previous endog argument.


should the external instruments be spatially lagged?


the initial value for rho. It can be either numeric (default is 0.2) or set to 'SAR', in which case the optimization will start from the estimated coefficient of a regression of the 2SLS residuals over their spatial lag (i.e. a spatial AR model)


default FALSE: if TRUE uses the methods developed for heteroskedasticity for each equation. Wrapper using spreg function.


A logical value to show intermediate results during the estimation process. Default = TRUE.


spsurg3sls generalize the spreg function to multiequational spatial SUR models. The methodology to estimate spatial SUR models by Generalized 3SLS follows the steps outlined in Kelejian and Piras (pp. 304-305). The summary of the algorithm is the next one:

  • Estimate each equation by 2SLS and obtain the estimated residuals u^j\hat{u}_j for each equation.

  • If the model includes a spatial lag for the errors. (that is, it is a SEM/SARAR model), apply GMM to obtain the spatial parameters λ^j\hat{\lambda}_j for the residuals in each equation. In this case the spreg function is used as a wrapper for the GMM estimation. If the model does not include a spatial lag for the errors (that is, it is a "sim", "iv", "slm" or "sdm" model), then λ^j=0\hat{\lambda}_j = 0

  • Compute

    v^j=u^jλ^jWu^j\hat{v}_j = \hat{u}_j-\hat{\lambda}_j W \hat{u}_j

    and the covariances

    σ^i,j=N1v^iv^j\hat{\sigma}_{i,j} = N^{-1}\hat{v}_i\hat{v}_j

    . Build Sigma^={σi,j^}\hat{Sigma}=\lbrace \hat{\sigma_{i,j}} \rbrace

  • Compute

    yj=yjλ^jWyjy_j^* = y_j - \hat{\lambda}_j W y_j


    Xj=Xjλ^jWXjX_j^* = X_j- \hat{\lambda}_j W X_j


    X^j=Hj(HjTHj)1HjTXj\hat{X}_j^* = H_j(H_j^T H_j)^{-1} H_j^T X_j^*

    where HjH_j is the matrix including all the instruments and the exogenous regressors for each equation. That is, X^j\hat{X}_j^* is the projection of XjX_j^* using the instruments matrix HjH_j.

  • Compute, in a multiequational way, the Feasible Generalized Least Squares estimation using the new variables y^j\hat{y}_j^*, X^j\hat{X}_j^* and Sigma^\hat{Sigma}. This is the 3sls step.


Object of spsur class with the output of the three-stages least-squares estimation of the specified spatial model. A list with:

call Matched call.
type Type of model specified.
Durbin Value of Durbin argument.
coefficients Estimated coefficients for the regressors.
deltas Estimated spatial coefficients. Estimated standard errors for the estimates of β\beta coefficients. Estimated standard errors for the estimates of the spatial coefficients.
resvar Estimated covariance matrix for the estimates of beta's and spatial coefficients.
R2 Coefficient of determination for each equation, obtained as the squared of the correlation coefficient between the corresponding explained variable and its estimates. spsur3sls also shows a global coefficient of determination obtained, in the same manner, for the set of G equations.
Sigma Estimated covariance matrix for the residuals of the G equations.
residuals Residuals of the model.
df.residuals Degrees of freedom for the residuals.
fitted.values Estimated values for the dependent variables.
G Number of equations.
N Number of cross-sections or spatial units.
Tm Number of time periods.
p Number of regressors by equation (including intercepts).
Y If data is NULL, vector Y of the explained variables of the SUR model.
X If data is NULL, matrix X of the regressors of the SUR model.
W Spatial weighting matrix.
zero.policy Logical value of zero.policy .
listw_style Style of neighborhood matrix W.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Kelejian, H. H. and Piras, G. (2017). Spatial Econometrics. Academic Press.

  • Kelejian, H.H. and Prucha, I.R. (2010). Specification and Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models with Autoregressive and Heteroskedastic Disturbances. Journal of Econometrics, 157, pp. 53-67.

  • Kelejian, H.H. and Prucha, I.R. (1999). A Generalized Moments Estimator for the Autoregressive Parameter in a Spatial Model. International Economic Review, 40, pp. 509-533.

  • Kelejian, H.H. and Prucha, I.R. (1998). A Generalized Spatial Two Stage Least Square Procedure for Estimating a Spatial Autoregressive Model with Autoregressive Disturbances. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 17, pp. 99–121.

  • Piras, G. (2010). sphet: Spatial Models with Heteroskedastic Innovations in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(1), pp. 1-21.

See Also

spreg, spsur3sls, stsls, spsurml


#### Example 1: Spatial Phillips-Curve. Anselin (1988, p. 203)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
## No endogenous regressors  
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA
## Endogenous regressors and Instruments
Tformula2 <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~  NMR83 | NMR80 
## Endogenous regressors: UN83 , UN80
## Instrumental variable: SMSA

## A IV model with endogenous regressors only in first equation
spciv <- spsurgs3sls(formula = Tformula2, data = spc,
                      type = "iv", listw = lwspc,
                      endog = ~ UN83 | ., 
                      instruments = ~ SMSA | .)
## A SLM model with endogenous regressors 
spcslm <- spsurgs3sls(formula = Tformula2, data = spc,
                              endog = ~ UN83 | ., 
                              instruments = ~ SMSA |.,
                              type = "slm", 
                              listw = lwspc)
impacts_spcslm <- impactspsur(spcslm, listw = lwspc, R = 1000)
summary(impacts_spcslm[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
summary(impacts_spcslm[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
## A SDM model with endogenous regressors 
spcsdm <- spsurgs3sls(formula = Tformula2, data = spc,
                   endog = ~ UN83 | UN80, 
                   instruments = ~ SMSA | SMSA,
                   type = "sdm", listw = lwspc,
                   Durbin =  ~  NMR83 | NMR80)
## Durbin only in one equation
spcsdm2 <- spsurgs3sls(formula = Tformula2, data = spc,
                    endog = ~ UN83 | UN80, 
                    instruments = ~ SMSA | SMSA,
                    type = "sdm", listw = lwspc,
                    Durbin =  ~  NMR83 | .)
## A SEM model with endogenous regressors 
spcsem <- spsurgs3sls(formula = Tformula2, data = spc,
                      endog = ~ UN83 | UN80, 
                      instruments = ~ SMSA | SMSA,
                      type = "sem", listw = lwspc)
## A SARAR model with endogenous regressors 
spcsarar <- spsurgs3sls(formula = Tformula2, data = spc,
                        endog = ~ UN83 | UN80, 
                        instruments = ~ SMSA | SMSA,
                        type = "sarar", listw = lwspc)
impacts_spcsarar <- impactspsur(spcsarar, listw = lwspc, R = 1000)
summary(impacts_spcsarar[[1]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)
summary(impacts_spcsarar[[2]], zstats = TRUE, short = TRUE)

Maximum likelihood estimation of spatial SUR model.


This function estimates spatial SUR models using maximum-likelihood methods.The number of equations, time periods and cross-sectional units is not restricted.The user can choose between different spatial specifications as described below. The estimation procedure allows for the introduction of linear restrictions on the β\beta parameters associated to the regressors.


spsurml(formula = NULL, data = NULL, na.action,
               listw = NULL, type = "sim", Durbin = NULL,
               method = "eigen", zero.policy = NULL, interval = NULL,
               trs = NULL, R = NULL, b = NULL, X = NULL, Y = NULL, 
               G = NULL, N = NULL, Tm = NULL,p = NULL, 
               control = list() )



An object type Formula similar to objects created with the package Formula describing the equations to be estimated in the model. This model may contain several responses (explained variables) and a varying number of regressors in each equation.


An object of class data.frame or a matrix.


A function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude with consequences for residuals and fitted values. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations.


A listw object created for example by nb2listw from spatialreg package; if nb2listw not given, set to the same spatial weights as the listw argument. It can also be a spatial weighting matrix of order (NxN) instead of a listw object. Default = NULL.


Type of spatial model specification: "sim", "slx", "slm", "sem", "sdm", "sdem", "sarar" or "gnm". Default = "sim".


If a formula object and model is type "sdm", "sdem" or "slx" the subset of explanatory variables to lag for each equation.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. "eigen" (default) - the Jacobian is computed as the product of (1 - rho*eigenvalue) using eigenw, and "spam" or "Matrix_J" for strictly symmetric weights lists of styles "B" and "C", or made symmetric by similarity (Ord, 1975, Appendix C) if possible for styles "W" and "S", using code from the spam or Matrix packages to calculate the determinant; "Matrix" and "spam_update" provide updating Cholesky decomposition methods; "LU" provides an alternative sparse matrix decomposition approach. In addition, there are "Chebyshev" and Monte Carlo "MC" approximate log-determinant methods; the Smirnov/Anselin (2009) trace approximation is available as "moments". Three methods: "SE_classic", "SE_whichMin", and "SE_interp" are provided experimentally, the first to attempt to emulate the behaviour of Spatial Econometrics toolbox ML fitting functions. All use grids of log determinant values, and the latter two attempt to ameliorate some features of "SE_classic".


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. If TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA - causing spsurml() to terminate with an error. Default = NULL.


Search interval for autoregressive parameter. Default = NULL.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. Default NULL, if given, a vector of powered spatial weights matrix traces output by trW.


A row vector of order (1xpr) with the set of r linear constraints on the beta parameters. The first restriction appears in the first p terms, the second restriction in the next p terms and so on. Default = NULL.


A column vector of order (rx1) with the values of the linear restrictions on the beta parameters. Default = NULL.


A data matrix of order (NTmGxp) with the observations of the regressors. The number of covariates in the SUR model is p = sum(pg)sum(p_{g}) where pgp_{g} is the number of regressors (including the intercept) in the g-th equation, g = 1,...,G). The specification of "X" is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame. Default = NULL.


A column vector of order (NTmGx1), with the observations of the explained variables. The ordering of the data must be (first) equation, (second) time dimension and (third) cross-sectional/spatial units. The specification of Y is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame. Default = NULL.


Number of equations.


Number of cross-section or spatial units


Number of time periods.


Number of regressors by equation, including the intercept. p can be a row vector of order (1xG), if the number of regressors is not the same for all the equations, or a scalar, if the G equations have the same number of regressors. The specification of p is only necessary if not available a Formula and a data frame.


List of additional control arguments.


The list of (spatial) models that can be estimated with the spsurml function are:

  • "sim": SUR model with no spatial effects

    ytg=Xtgβg+ϵtgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "slx": SUR model with spatial lags of the regressors

    ytg=Xtgβg+WXtgθg+ϵtgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "slm": SUR model with spatial lags of the explained variables

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+ϵtgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "sem": SUR model with spatial errors

    ytg=Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} Wu_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "sdm": SUR model of the Spatial Durbin type

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xttβg+WXtgθg+ϵtgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tt} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "sdem": SUR model with spatial lags of the regressors and spatial errors

    ytg=Xtgβg+WXtgθg+utgy_{tg} = X_{tg} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} W u_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "sarar": SUR model with spatial lags of the explained variables and spatial errors

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+utgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} W u_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}

  • "gnm": SUR model with spatial lags of the explained variables, regressors and spatial errors

    ytg=ρgWytg+Xtgβg+WXtgθg+utgy_{tg} = \rho_{g} Wy_{tg} + X_{tg} \beta_{g} + WX_{tg} \theta_{g} + u_{tg}

    utg=λgWutg+ϵtgu_{tg} = \lambda_{g} W u_{tg} + \epsilon_{tg}


Object of spsur class with the output of the maximum-likelihood estimation of the specified spatial SUR model. A list with:

call Matched call.
type Type of model specified.
method Value of method argument to compute the Jacobian
Durbin Value of Durbin argument.
coefficients Estimated coefficients for the regressors.
deltas Estimated spatial coefficients. Estimated standard errors for the estimates of beta. Estimated standard errors for the estimates of the spatial coefficients (deltas).
resvar Estimated covariance matrix for the estimates of beta's and spatial coefficients (deltas).
LL Value of the likelihood function at the maximum-likelihood estimates.
R2 Coefficient of determination for each equation, obtained as the squared of the correlation coefficient between the corresponding explained variable and its estimate. spsurml also shows a global coefficient of determination obtained, in the same manner, for the set of the G equations.
Sigma Estimated covariance matrix for the residuals of the G equations.
fdHess Logical value of fdHess argument when computing numerical covariances.
residuals Residuals of the model.
df.residuals Degrees of freedom for the residuals.
fitted.values Estimated values for the dependent variables.
BP Value of the Breusch-Pagan statistic to test the null hypothesis of diagonality among the errors of the G equations.
LMM Marginal Lagrange Multipliers, LM(ρ\rho|λ\lambda) and LM(λ\lambda|ρ\rho), to test for omitted spatial effects in the specification.
G Number of equations.
N Number of cross-sections or spatial units.
Tm Number of time periods.
p Number of regressors by equation (including intercepts).
Y If data is NULL, vector Y of the explained variables of the SUR model.
X If data is NULL, matrix X of the regressors of the SUR model.
W Spatial weighting matrix.
zero.policy Logical value of zero.policy .
interval Search interval for spatial parameter.
listw_style Style of neighborhood matrix W.
trs Either NULL or vector of powered spatial weights matrix traces output by trW.
insert Logical value to check if is.null(trs).

Control arguments

tol Numerical value for the tolerance for the estimation algorithm until convergence. Default = 1e-3.
maxit Maximum number of iterations until convergence; it must be an integer value. Default = 200.
trace A logical value to show intermediate results during the estimation process. Default = TRUE.
fdHess Compute variance-covariance matrix using the numerical hessian. Suited for large samples. Default = FALSE
Imult default 2; used for preparing the Cholesky decompositions for updating in the Jacobian function
super if NULL (default), set to FALSE to use a simplicial decomposition for the sparse Cholesky decomposition and method "Matrix_J", set to as.logical(NA) for method "Matrix", if TRUE, use a supernodal decomposition
cheb_q default 5; highest power of the approximating polynomial for the Chebyshev approximation
MC_p default 16; number of random variates
MC_m default 30; number of products of random variates matrix and spatial weights matrix
spamPivot default "MMD", alternative "RCM"
in_coef default 0.1, coefficient value for initial Cholesky decomposition in "spam_update"
type default "MC", used with method "moments"; alternatives "mult" and "moments", for use if trs is missing
correct default TRUE, used with method "moments" to compute the Smirnov/Anselin correction term
trunc default TRUE, used with method "moments" to truncate the Smirnov/Anselin correction term
SE_method default "LU", may be "MC"
nrho default 200, as in SE toolbox; the size of the first stage lndet grid; it may be reduced to for example 40
interpn default 2000, as in SE toolbox; the size of the second stage lndet grid
SElndet default NULL, may be used to pass a pre-computed SE toolbox style matrix of coefficients and their lndet values to the "SE_classic" and "SE_whichMin" methods
LU_order default FALSE; used in "LU_prepermutate", note warnings given for lu method
pre_eig default NULL; may be used to pass a pre-computed vector of eigenvalues


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Anselin, L. (1988). Spatial econometrics: methods and models. Dordrecht: Kluwer

  • Bivand, R.S. and Piras G. (2015). Comparing Implementations of Estimation Methods for Spatial Econometrics. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(18), 1-36. <doi: 10.18637/jss.v063.i18>

  • Bivand, R. S., Hauke, J., and Kossowski, T. (2013). Computing the Jacobian in Gaussian spatial autoregressive models: An illustrated comparison of available methods. Geographical Analysis, 45(2), 150-179. <doi:10.1111/gean.12008>

  • Breusch T., Pagan A. (1980). The Lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics. Rev Econ Stud 47: 239-254

  • Cliff, A.D. and Ord, J.K. (1981). Spatial processes: Models and applications, Pion.

  • LeSage J and Pace, R.K. (2009). Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

  • Lopez, F.A., Mur, J., and Angulo, A. (2014). Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. Annals of Regional Science, 53(1), 197-220. <doi:10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2>

  • Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010). Testing for spatial effects in seemingly unrelated regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(4), 399-440. <doi:10.1080/17421772.2010.516443>

  • Ord, J.K. (1975). Estimation methods for models of spatial interaction, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70, 120-126.

See Also

spsur3sls, lagsarlm, lmtestspsur, wald_betas, lrtest


######## CROSS SECTION DATA (G>1; Tm=1) ########

#### Example 1: Spatial Phillips-Curve. Anselin (1988, p. 203)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA
spcsur.sim <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "sim")
# All the coefficients in a single table.
# Plot of the coefficients of each equation in different graphs

## A SUR-SLX model 
## (listw argument can be either a matrix or a listw object )
spcsur.slx <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "slx", 
  listw = Wspc, Durbin = TRUE)
# All the coefficients in a single table.
# Plot of the coefficients in a single graph
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.slx, viewplot = FALSE)
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
                        nrow = 2)

## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_spsurml, package="spsur")

### A SUR-SLM model
spcsur.slm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "slm", 
                     listw = Wspc)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.slm, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

#' ### A SUR-SEM model
spcsur.sem <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "sem", 
                     listw = Wspc)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.sem, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

### A SUR-SDM model
spcsur.sdm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "sdm", 
                     listw = Wspc)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.sdm, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

## A SUR-SDM model with different spatial lags in each equation
TformulaD <- ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80
spcsur.sdm2 <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "sdm", 
                      listw = Wspc, Durbin = TformulaD)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.sdm2, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)
### A SUR-SDEM model
spcsur.sdem <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "sdem", 
                      listw = Wspc)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.sdem, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

### A SUR-SARAR model
spcsur.sarar <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "sarar", 
                       listw = Wspc, control = list(tol = 0.1))
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.sarar, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

### A SUR-GNM model
spcsur.gnm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "gnm", 
                       listw = Wspc, control = list(tol = 0.1))
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.gnm, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

## A A SUR-GNM model model with different spatial lags in each equation
TformulaD <- ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80
spcsur.gnm2 <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, type = "gnm", 
                       listw = Wspc, Durbin = TformulaD,
                       control = list(tol = 0.1))
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(spcsur.gnm2, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

#########  CLASSIC PANEL DATA G=1; Tm>1   ########
##### Example 2: Homicides + Socio-Economics (1960-90)
## Homicides and selected socio-economic characteristics for continental
## U.S. counties.
## Data for four decennial census years: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990.
## \url{}

### It usually requires 1-2 minutes maximum...
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
### Read NCOVR.sf object
data(NCOVR, package = "spsur")
nbncovr <- spdep::poly2nb(NCOVR.sf, queen = TRUE)
### Some regions with no links...
lwncovr <- spdep::nb2listw(nbncovr, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
Tformula <- HR80  | HR90 ~ PS80 + UE80 | PS90 + UE90
### A SUR-SIM model
NCOVRSUR.sim <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, type = "sim")
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(NCOVRSUR.sim, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], nrow = 3)
### A SUR-SLX model
NCOVRSUR.slx <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, type = "slx", 
                       listw = lwncovr, zero.policy = TRUE)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(NCOVRSUR.slx, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], nrow = 2)

### A SUR-SLM model
### method = "Matrix" (Cholesky) instead of "eigen"
### (fdHess = TRUE to compute numerical covariances )
NCOVRSUR.slm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                       type = "slm", listw = lwncovr, method = "Matrix", 
                       zero.policy = TRUE, control = list(fdHess = TRUE))

if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(NCOVRSUR.slm, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

# LR test for nested models
anova(NCOVRSUR.sim, NCOVRSUR.slm)

### A SUR-SDM model with different spatial lags in each equation
### Analytical covariances (default)
TformulaD <- ~ PS80 + UE80 | PS90 
NCOVRSUR.sdm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                       type = "sdm", listw = lwncovr, method = "Matrix",
                       Durbin = TformulaD, zero.policy = TRUE)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(NCOVRSUR.sdm, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)
### A SUR-SEM model
NCOVRSUR.sem <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                        type = "sem", listw = lwncovr, method = "Matrix",
                        zero.policy = TRUE, control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(NCOVRSUR.sem, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

### A SUR-SDEM model
NCOVRSUR.sdem <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                        type = "sdem", listw = lwncovr, method = "Matrix",
                        zero.policy = TRUE, control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(NCOVRSUR.sdem, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$pldeltas, nrow = 3)

##### Reshape NCOVR in panel format

N <- nrow(NCOVR.sf)
Tm <- 4
index_time <- rep(1:Tm, each = N)
index_indiv <- rep(1:N, Tm)
pHR <- c(NCOVR.sf$HR60, NCOVR.sf$HR70, NCOVR.sf$HR80, NCOVR.sf$HR90)
pPS <- c(NCOVR.sf$PS60, NCOVR.sf$PS70, NCOVR.sf$PS80, NCOVR.sf$PS90)
pUE <- c(NCOVR.sf$UE60, NCOVR.sf$UE70, NCOVR.sf$UE80, NCOVR.sf$UE90)
pDV <- c(NCOVR.sf$DV60, NCOVR.sf$DV70, NCOVR.sf$DV80, NCOVR.sf$DV90)
pFP <- c(NCOVR.sf$FP59, NCOVR.sf$FP70, NCOVR.sf$FP80, NCOVR.sf$FP90)
pSOUTH <- rep(NCOVR.sf$SOUTH, Tm)
pNCOVR <- data.frame(indiv = index_indiv, time = index_time,
                     HR = pHR, PS = pPS, UE = pUE, DV = pDV,
                     FP = pFP, SOUTH = pSOUTH)
pform <- HR | DV | FP ~ PS + UE | PS + UE + SOUTH | PS
### SIM 
### Remark: It is necessary to provide Tm value as argument 
### when G>1 && Tm>1
pNCOVRSUR.sim <- spsurml(formula = pform, data = pNCOVR, 
                         type = "sim", Tm = Tm)
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(pNCOVRSUR.sim, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$lplbetas[[3]], nrow = 3)
pNCOVRSUR.slm <- spsurml(formula = pform, data = pNCOVR, 
                         listw = lwncovr, type = "slm", method = "Matrix", Tm = Tm,
                         zero.policy = TRUE, control= list(fdHess = TRUE))
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(pNCOVRSUR.slm, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$lplbetas[[3]], pl$pldeltas, nrow = 4)

pNCOVRSUR.sem <- spsurml(formula = pform, data = pNCOVR, 
                         listw = lwncovr, type = "sem", method = "Matrix", Tm = Tm,
                         zero.policy = TRUE, control= list(fdHess = TRUE))
if (require(gridExtra)) {
  pl <- plot(pNCOVRSUR.sem, viewplot = FALSE) 
  grid.arrange(pl$lplbetas[[1]], pl$lplbetas[[2]], 
               pl$lplbetas[[3]], pl$pldeltas, nrow = 4)

Estimation of SUR models for simple spatial panels (G=1).


This function estimates SUR models for simple spatial panel datasets. spsurtime is restricted, specifically, to cases where there is only one equation, G=1, and a varying number of spatial units, N, and time periods, Tm. The SUR structure appears in form of serial dependence among the error terms corresponding to the same spatial unit. Note that it is assumed that all spatial units share a common pattern of serial dependence.

The user can choose between different types of spatial specifications, as described below, and the estimation algorithms allow for the introduction of linear restrictions on the β\beta parameters associated to the regressors. The spatial panels with SUR structure can be estimated by maximum-likelihood methods or three-stages least squares procedures, using spatial instrumental variables.


spsurtime (formula, data, time, na.action,
                  listw = NULL, type = "sim", Durbin = NULL, 
                  method = "eigen", fit_method = "ml", maxlagW = NULL,
                  zero.policy = NULL, interval = NULL, trs = NULL,
                  R = NULL, b = NULL, demean = FALSE, control = list() )



An object type Formula similar to objects created with the package Formula describing the equations to be estimated in the model. This model may contain several responses (explained variables) and a varying number of regressors in each equation.


An object of class data.frame or a matrix.


Time variable.


A function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude with consequences for residuals and fitted values. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations.


A listw object created for example by nb2listw from spatialreg package; if nb2listw not given, set to the same spatial weights as the listw argument. It can also be a spatial weighting matrix of order (NxN) instead of a listw object. Default = NULL.


Type of spatial model specification: "sim", "slx", "slm", "sem", "sdm", "sdem", "sarar" or "gnm". Default = "sim".


If a formula object and model is type "sdm", "sdem" or "slx" the subset of explanatory variables to lag for each equation.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. "eigen" (default) - the Jacobian is computed as the product of (1 - rho*eigenvalue) using eigenw, and "spam" or "Matrix_J" for strictly symmetric weights lists of styles "B" and "C", or made symmetric by similarity (Ord, 1975, Appendix C) if possible for styles "W" and "S", using code from the spam or Matrix packages to calculate the determinant; "Matrix" and "spam_update" provide updating Cholesky decomposition methods; "LU" provides an alternative sparse matrix decomposition approach. In addition, there are "Chebyshev" and Monte Carlo "MC" approximate log-determinant methods; the Smirnov/Anselin (2009) trace approximation is available as "moments". Three methods: "SE_classic", "SE_whichMin", and "SE_interp" are provided experimentally, the first to attempt to emulate the behaviour of Spatial Econometrics toolbox ML fitting functions. All use grids of log determinant values, and the latter two attempt to ameliorate some features of "SE_classic".


Method of estimation for the spatial panel SUR model, either ml or 3sls. Default = ml.


Maximum spatial lag order of the regressors employed to produce spatial instruments for the spatial lags of the explained variables. Default = 2. Note that in case of type = "sdm", the default value for maxlagW is set to 3 because the first lag of the regressors, WXtgWX_{tg}, can not be used as spatial instruments.


Similar to the corresponding parameter of lagsarlm function in spatialreg package. If TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA - causing spsurml() to terminate with an error. Default = NULL.


Search interval for autoregressive parameter. Default = NULL.


Either NULL or vector of powered spatial weights matrix traces output by trW. Default = NULL.


A row vector of order (1xpr) with the set of r linear constraints on the beta parameters. The first restriction appears in the first p terms, the second restriction in the next p terms and so on. Default = NULL.


A column vector of order (rx1) with the values of the linear restrictions on the beta parameters. Default = NULL.


Logical value to allow for the demeaning of panel data. In this case, spsurml subtracts the individual mean to each spatial or cross-sectional unit. Default = FALSE.


List of additional control arguments.


Function spsurtime only admits a formula, created with Formula and a dataset of class data.frame or matrix. That is, the data cannot be uploaded using data matrices YY and XX provided for other functions in this package.
The argument time selects the variable, in the data.frame, associated to the time dimension in the panel dataset. Then spsurtime operates as in Anselin (1988), that is, each cross-section is treated as if it were an equation in a SUR model, which now has Tm 'equations' and N individuals.
The SUR structure appears because there is serial dependence in the errors of each individual in the panel. The serial dependence in the errors is not parameterized, but estimated non-parametrically in the SigmaSigma covariance matrix returned by the function. An important constraint to mention is that the serial dependence assumed to be the same for all individuals in the sample. Serial dependence among individuals is excluded from Anselin approach.


An spsur object with the output of the maximum-likelihood or three-stages least-squares estimation of the spatial panel SUR model.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Anselin, L. (1988). Spatial econometrics: methods and models. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  • Lopez, F.A., Mur, J., and Angulo, A. (2014). Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. Annals of Regional Science, 53(1), 197-220. <doi:10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2>

  • Lopez, F.A., Martinez-Ortiz, P.J., and Cegarra-Navarro, J.G. (2017). Spatial spillovers in public expenditure on a municipal level in Spain. Annals of Regional Science, 58(1), 39-65. <doi:10.1007/s00168-016-0780-7>

  • Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010). Testing for spatial effects in seemingly unrelated regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(4), 399-440. <doi:10.1080/17421772.2010.516443>

See Also

spsurml, spsur3sls, wald_betas, wald_deltas, lmtestspsur, lrtest


######## PANEL DATA (G=1; Tm>1) ###

## Example 1:
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
N <- nrow(spc)
Tm <- 2
index_time <- rep(1:Tm, each = N)
index_indiv <- rep(1:N, Tm)
WAGE <- c(spc$WAGE83, spc$WAGE81)
UN <- c(spc$UN83, spc$UN80)
NMR <- c(spc$NMR83, spc$NMR80)
SMSA <- c(spc$SMSA, spc$SMSA)
pspc <- data.frame(index_indiv, index_time, WAGE, UN,
                    NMR, SMSA)
form_pspc <- WAGE ~ UN + NMR + SMSA
form2_pspc <- WAGE | NMR ~ UN  | UN + SMSA

# SLM 
pspc_slm <- spsurtime(formula = form_pspc, data = pspc, 
                      listw = lwspc,
                      time = pspc$index_time, 
                      type = "slm", fit_method = "ml")
pspc_slm2 <- spsurtime(formula = form2_pspc, data = pspc, 
                      listw = lwspc,
                      time = pspc$index_time, 
                      type = "slm", fit_method = "ml")

## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_spsurtime, package="spsur")

### Example 2:
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
### Read NCOVR.sf object
data(NCOVR, package="spsur")
nbncovr <- spdep::poly2nb(NCOVR.sf, queen = TRUE)
### Some regions with no links...
lwncovr <- spdep::nb2listw(nbncovr, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
N <- nrow(NCOVR.sf)
Tm <- 4
index_time <- rep(1:Tm, each = N)
index_indiv <- rep(1:N, Tm)
pHR <- c(NCOVR.sf$HR60, NCOVR.sf$HR70, NCOVR.sf$HR80, NCOVR.sf$HR90)
pPS <- c(NCOVR.sf$PS60, NCOVR.sf$PS70, NCOVR.sf$PS80, NCOVR.sf$PS90)
pUE <- c(NCOVR.sf$UE60, NCOVR.sf$UE70, NCOVR.sf$UE80, NCOVR.sf$UE90)
pNCOVR <- data.frame(indiv = index_indiv, time = index_time,
                     HR = pHR, PS = pPS, UE = pUE)
form_pHR <- HR ~ PS + UE

## SIM

pHR_sim <- spsurtime(formula = form_pHR, data = pNCOVR, 
                    time = pNCOVR$time, type = "sim", fit_method = "ml")

## SLM by 3SLS. 

pHR_slm <- spsurtime(formula = form_pHR, data = pNCOVR, listw = lwncovr,
                     time = pNCOVR$time, type = "slm", 
                     fit_method = "3sls")

############################# Wald tests about betas in spatio-temporal models
### H0: equal betas for PS in equations 1, 3 and 4.
R <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 12) 
## nrow = number of restrictions 
## ncol = number of beta parameters
R[1, 2] <- 1; R[1, 8] <- -1 # PS beta coefficient in equations 1 equal to 3
R[2, 2] <- 1; R[2, 11] <- -1 # PS beta coefficient in equations 1 equal to 4
b <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=1)
wald_betas(pHR_sim , R = R , b = b) # SIM model
wald_betas(pHR_slm , R = R , b = b) # SLM model
############################# Wald tests about spatial-parameters in
############################# spatio-temporal models
### H0: equal rhos in slm model for equations 1 and 2.
R2 <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 4)
R2[1, 1] <- 1; R2[1, 2] <- -1
b2 <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
wald_deltas(pHR_slm, R = R2, b = b2)

Summary of estimated objects of class spsur.


This function summarizes estimated spsur objects. The tables in the output include basic information for each equation. The report also shows other complementary results corresponding to the SUR model like the (GxG) covariance matrix of the residuals of the equations of the SUR, the estimated log-likelihood, the Breusch-Pagan diagonality test or the Marginal Lagrange Multiplier, LMM, tests of spatial dependence.


## S3 method for class 'spsur'
summary(object, ...)



An spsur object estimated using spsurml, spsur3sls or spsurtime functions.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class summary.spsur


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]

See Also

print.summary.spsur; spsurml; spsur3sls.


# See examples for \code{\link{spsurml}} or
 # \code{\link{spsur3sls}} functions.

Wald tests on the beta coefficients of the equation of the SUR model


The function wald_betas can be seen as a complement to the restricted estimation procedures included in the functions spsurml and spsur3sls. wald_betas obtains Wald tests for sets of linear restrictions on the coefficients β\beta of the SUR model. The restrictions may involve coefficients of the same equation or coefficients from different equations. The function has great flexibility in this respect. Note that wald_betas is more general than lr_betas in the sense that the last function only allows to test for restrictions of homogeneity of subsets of β\beta coefficients among the different equations in the SUR model, and in a maximum-likelihood framework.

In order to work with wald_betas, the model on which the linear restrictions are to be tested needs to exists as an spsur object. Using the information contained in the object, wald_betas obtains the corresponding Wald estatistic for the null hypotheses specified by the user through the R row vector and b column vector, used also in spsurml and spsur3sls. The function shows the value of the Wald test statistics and its associated p-values.


wald_betas (obj , R , b)



An spsur object created by spsurml, spsur3sls or spsurtime.


A row vector of order (1xPr)(1xPr) showing the set of r linear constraints on the β\beta parameters. The first restriction appears in the first K terms in R, the second restriction in the next K terms and so on.


A column vector of order (rx1) with the values of the linear restrictions on the β\beta parameters.


Object of htest class including the Wald statistic, the corresponding p-value, the degrees of freedom and the values of the sample estimates.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]


  • Lopez, F.A., Mur, J., and Angulo, A. (2014). Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. Annals of Regional Science, 53(1), 197-220. <doi:10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2>

  • Mur, J., Lopez, F., and Herrera, M. (2010). Testing for spatial effects in seemingly unrelated regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(4), 399-440. <doi:10.1080/17421772.2010.516443>

  • Anselin, L. (2016) Estimation and Testing in the Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR). Geoda Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, Arizona State University. Working Paper 2016-01. <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.15925.40163>

See Also

spsurml, spsur3sls, lr_betas


## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_wald_betas, package="spsur")

######## CROSS SECTION DATA (G=1; Tm>1) ########

##### Example 1: Spatial Phillips-Curve. Anselin (1988, p. 203)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA
### Estimate SUR-SLM model
spcsur.slm <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slm", listw = lwspc)
### H_0: equality between SMSA coefficients in both equations.
R1 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1), nrow=1)
b1 <- matrix(0, ncol=1)

wald_betas(spcsur.slm, R = R1, b = b1)

### Estimate restricted SUR-SLM model
spcsur.slmr <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slm", listw = lwspc,
                      R = R1, b = b1)

### H_0: equality between intercepts and SMSA coefficients in both equations.
R2 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1),
             nrow = 2, ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE)
b2 <- matrix(c(0,0),ncol=1)
wald_betas(spcsur.slm, R = R2, b = b2)
### Estimate restricted SUR-SLM model
spcsur.slmr2 <- spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                      type = "slm", listw = lwspc,
                      R = R2, b = b2)

#########  G=1; Tm>1         ########

##### Example 2: Homicides + Socio-Economics (1960-90)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
### Read NCOVR.sf object
data(NCOVR, package = "spsur")
nbncovr <- spdep::poly2nb(NCOVR.sf, queen = TRUE)
### Some regions with no links...
lwncovr <- spdep::nb2listw(nbncovr, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
Tformula <- HR80  | HR90 ~ PS80 + UE80 | PS90 + UE90
### A SUR-SLM model
NCOVRSUR.slm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                       type = "slm", listw = lwncovr,
                       method = "Matrix", zero.policy = TRUE, 
                       control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
R1 <- matrix(c(0,1,0,0,-1,0), nrow=1)
b1 <- matrix(0, ncol=1)
wald_betas(NCOVRSUR.slm, R = R1, b = b1)
NCOVRSUR.slmr <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                       type = "slm", listw = lwncovr,
                       method = "Matrix", zero.policy = TRUE, 
                       control = list(fdHess = TRUE),
                       R = R1, b = b1)

Wald tests for spatial parameters coefficients.


Function wald_deltas obtains Wald tests for linear restrictions on the spatial coefficients of a SUR model that has been estimated previously through the function spsurml. The restrictions can affect to coefficients of the same equation (i.e., λg=ρgforallg\lambda_{g}=\rho_{g} forall g) or can involve coefficients from different equations (i.e., λg=λh\lambda_{g}=\lambda_{h}). The function has great flexibility in this respect. Note that wald_deltas only works in a maximum-likelihood framework.

In order to work with wald_betas, the model on which the linear restrictions are to be tested needs to exists as an spsur object. Using the information contained in the object, wald_deltas obtains the corresponding Wald statistic for the null hypotheses specified by the user through the R row vector and b column vector discussed, used also in spsurml. The function shows the resulting Wald test statistics and their corresponding p-values.


wald_deltas (obj , R , b)



An spsur object created by spsurml, spsur3sls or spsurtime.


A row vector of order (1xGr) or (1x2Gr) showing the set of r linear constraints on the spatial parameters. The last case is reserved to "sarar" models where there appear G parameters λg\lambda_{g} and G parameters ρg\rho_{g}, 2G spatial in total. The first restriction appears in the first G terms in R (2G for the "sarar" case), the second restriction in the next G terms (2G for the "sarar" case) and so on.


A column vector of order (rx1) with the values of the linear restrictions on the β\beta parameters.


Object of htest including the Wald statistic, the corresponding p-value, the degrees of freedom and the values of the sample estimates.


Fernando Lopez [email protected]
Roman Minguez [email protected]
Jesus Mur [email protected]

See Also

spsurml, spsur3sls


######## CROSS SECTION DATA (G>1; Tm=1) ########
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
data(spc, package = "spsur")
lwspc <- spdep::mat2listw(Wspc, style = "W")
Tformula <- WAGE83 | WAGE81 ~ UN83 + NMR83 + SMSA | UN80 + NMR80 + SMSA

## Estimate SUR-SLM model
spcsur.slm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc, 
                       type = "slm", listw = lwspc)
## H_0: equality of the lambda parameters of both equations.
R1 <- matrix(c(1,-1), nrow=1)
b1 <- matrix(0, ncol=1)
wald_deltas(spcsur.slm, R = R1, b = b1)

## VIP: The output of the whole set of the examples can be examined 
## by executing demo(demo_wald_deltas, package="spsur")

### Estimate SUR-SEM model
spcsur.sem <-spsurml(form = Tformula, data = spc, 
                     type = "sem", listw = lwspc)
### H_0: equality of the rho parameters of both equations.
R2 <- matrix(c(1,-1), nrow=1)
b2 <- matrix(0, ncol=1)
wald_deltas(spcsur.sem, R = R2, b = b2)

### Estimate SUR-SARAR model
### It usually requires 2-3 minutes maximum
spcsur.sarar <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = spc,
                       type = "sarar", listw = lwspc,
                       control = list(tol=0.1))
### H_0: equality of the lambda and rho parameters of both equations.
R3 <- matrix(c(1,-1,0,0,0,0,1,-1), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
b3 <- matrix(c(0,0), ncol=1)
wald_deltas(spcsur.sarar, R = R3, b = b3)

#########  G=1; Tm>1         ########

##' ##### Example 2: Homicides + Socio-Economics (1960-90)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean memory
### Read NCOVR.sf object
data(NCOVR, package = "spsur")
nbncovr <- spdep::poly2nb(NCOVR.sf, queen = TRUE)
### Some regions with no links...
lwncovr <- spdep::nb2listw(nbncovr, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
Tformula <- HR80  | HR90 ~ PS80 + UE80 | PS90 + UE90

### A SUR-SLM model
NCOVRSUR.slm <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                       type = "slm", listw = lwncovr,
                       method = "Matrix", zero.policy = TRUE, 
                       control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
### H_0: equality of the lambda parameters of both equations.
R1 <- matrix(c(1,-1), nrow=1)
b1 <- matrix(0, ncol=1)
wald_deltas( NCOVRSUR.slm, R = R1, b = b1)

### Estimate SUR-SEM model
NCOVRSUR.sem <-spsurml(formula = Tformula, data = NCOVR.sf, 
                       type = "sem", listw = lwncovr,
                       method = "Matrix", zero.policy = TRUE, 
                       control = list(fdHess = TRUE))
### H_0: equality of the rho parameters of both equations.
R2 <- matrix(c(1,-1), nrow=1)
b2 <- matrix(0, ncol=1)
wald_deltas(NCOVRSUR.sem, R = R2, b = b2)

Spatial weight matrix for South-West Ohio Counties to estimate Spatial Phillips-Curve


A spatial weight matrix row-standardized based on first order contiguity criterium.




A row-standardized squared matrix with 25 rows and columns. The rows and columns follow the same order than provinces included in spc data frame.


Anselin (1988, p. 207)


  • Anselin, L. (1988). Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models. Springer Science & Business Media.